the flight

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( News )
Catlley gonna depart from palvor airport to finland and the reason is still unknown .

" wow the girls are going to finland ? Like go girls " a comment said .
" girls going big " one comment said .

Catlley arrived at the airport at 9 with their managers and bodyguards , paparazzi and reporters gathered at the front of the airport entrance .

CATLLEY walk out of the car and wave at the camera's .

Harpy was wearing a blue pants , shoes , white blouse , branded sling bag .

Kria was wearing a pants , cropped top , white sling bag with braided hair .

Urie was wearing a blue jeans , black oversized tshirt .

Lizel was wearing a pink dress and black boots .

Cleoj was wearing a black heels , white shirt tucked into her nude color skirt that goes to her knee and a black backpack with her hair in a pony tail .

" smile here " one reporter said .
" hi cleoj " a fan said .
" urie look here " a reporter said .

The catlley enter the boarding area and passes the check up .

" unnie where are we gonna sit on the plane ? " kria asked .

" wherever you want " cleoj answered and walk towards the plane .

" huh what does she mean harpy " lizel curiously asked .

" you'll see " harpy answered .

They walked to a private plane that has a violet outlines and a butterflies on the tip of the plane .

" wow we're gonna ride a private plane ? " lizel said .

" yeah now you know " harpy said .

At the entrance of the plane there are two airplane attendants , welcoming them to the plane .

" welcome ma'am sir please take a seat " an attendant said .

Sitting at the back is cleoj who is looking to her phone and chatting with someone then put her phone down .

" hey cleoj " lizel said while going beside cleoj .

" this plane is so big , who own this managers " urie asked their managers who just look over cleoj .

" wow you own this cleoj ? " urie surprisingly asked .

" not really but dad gave it to me " cleoj said .

" soo ? You own this ! " urie said .

" yeah i think so " cleoj said .

The girls talk alot in the plane and about the plane , they asked cleoj many questions which some of cleoj give an answer .

They arrived to finland at 12 in the midnight a van and guards meet them in the airport , theres no fans there but just paparazzi not for catlley but to have an interview with cleoj .

All four girls and managers are already inside the van but cleoj still isn't because of the reports that want to have an interview with her .

" miss nedgewood where how are you , welcome back to finland " a reporter says .

" miss wedgewood are you gonna start operating your father's company ? " another report asked .

" miss pose for us " a reporter said .

After awhile cleoj got out in the airport and went directly to the van where the members and managers are waiting for her .

" cleoj what took you so long ? " lizel asked .

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