black wins

1 1 0

All the teams and staffs in the building went on the open grounds were cleoj and kwangso was standing .

"They're disqualified right ? " mingyu said .

" no " cleoj said .

" why ? They're not in groups " jinglu said .

" but we're not in one but in to two , and we also asked the director he nodded " kwangso said .

" is it okay director ? " harpy asked .

" yeah as long as their with their group " director said .

" ohh thank you cleoj " arki said .

" For the second game we're gonna do questions of Poseidon " the director announced .

The director explain the rules and started the game .

" there are no rule holes director ? " kria said .

" yeah yeah " director said to kria .

Game rules
They're gonna sit on a foldable chair that would throw them into the air and through the pool that's behind them .

One member must become the leader that would answer the questions given by the staffs , if they get the answer correct the other parties member would fly to the pool and if not your teammate will fly to the pool .

Team red choose juyeon as the leader .

Team white choose jane as the leader .

Team black choose cleoj as the leader .

The cast went to their position the leaders were sitting in front of their members .

The game began .

The director ask more than 10 questions cleoj answer all the questions and the members only got wet 2 times and cleoj team won this round .

The last game is called 3 answer in 5 second .

The director explain the rules to the members and started the game .

Game rules
One member of the opposing team will wear a Bottle cap that has three sticks and one of the sticks will pour water to your head , if you get the question right you will pull one stick to the opposing team if you didn't answer the question you'll be the one have to pull a stick .

Every round there's gonna be food so if you guess the right stick your team will get the food .

The game is just luck , answer the question fast and pick the right stick .

" start the game " the director said .

The first to do the game are team red juyeon and team white lijung and juyeon won .

The second to do the game are team black kwangso and team white kria and kwangso won .

The third round team red harpy and team black urie and harpy won this round .

The fourth game was team white jane and team red mingyu and jane won .

The fifth round was played by team black arki and team white lizel and lizel won this round .

The sixth round was palyed by team black cleoj and team red jungli and cleoj won .

Now its time for the winners to compete team black kwangso , cleoj and for team white jane lizel and team red juyeon , harpy  .

" this unfair for us " jane said laughing and hugging juyeon .

Kwangso and juyeon had a battle and at the end juyeon won .

Jane and harpy challenge each other and harpy won .

Lizel and cleoj battle each other and cleoj won .

Now its time for the top 3 to compete but this mean 1 v 2 team black cleoj and team red harpy and juyeon .

The game start cleoj and lizel had a 1 round and cleoj won .

The next game are juyeon and cleoj and this round cleoj won .

" wohaaa we won haha " kwangso said .

" good job cleoj " urie said .

" ha a juyeon master of this game lost to a pretty kid " lijung said .

After the three games the cast now started to each and talk to each other , laughing and smiling .

The show ended and now their saying good bye to each other .

" bye unnie " cleoj said to jane .

" bye cleoj " jane answered .

" thank you everyone " cleoj said while bowing to all of them .

" your welcome " the staff said .

" bye everyone " urie said .

The girls went inside their van and started to recall and discuss what happened today and laughed to kwangsos joke to them while filming .

The girls arrived to their dorm and getting ready to sleep .

12 : 47 pm on the same day cleoj was having a video call with a professor and looks like teacher her .

" thank you prof.  john see you there " cleoj said .

" ok very good amethys , see you " professor john said .

The person cleoj was having a video call was her school professor on the school she's enrolled and they discussed about cleoj graduation that will happen in finland grand institute university on june 16 that will happen next week monday .

After the call cleoj slept more than 6 hours and woke up at 7 am , obviously all 5 members were still asleep , cleoj started to ready for her flight .

" unnie where are you going ? " kria asked while rubbing her eyes .

" I'm going to finland for my graduation " cleoj said .

" wow your graduating unnie ? " kria asked .

" yeah do now pack all your things and inform other members , just pack small things " cleoj said .

Kria went to all the rooms and wake up all members .

" unnie urie wake up we're going to finland " kria excitedly announced to urie .

" huh ? " urie said confusedly .

" unnie lizel and harpy wake up and pack your things we're going to finland " kria said to them .

" where ? " harpy asked look surprised .

Members went to cleoj room to confirm .

" cleoj are we going to finland ? " harpy asked to cleoj .

" what time ? " urie also asked .

" I'm graduating there so pack your thing we're going to board at 10 " cleoj said to them .

" and just pack a little ok " cleoj added .

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