( FGIU ) Finland grand institute university

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The members are now getting ready to go .

They enter the van and started their journey to the university .

Cleoj and manager hyeon were already at the academy , cleoj is getting ready and is now wearing a graduation costume , she is wearing a yellow toga with black stripes down the knee area , and a black hat with yellow strip dangling beside her face .

The ceremony is now starting , the members and their manager miyon is now sitting at the front of the stage .

Cleoj dad is now with her and now the reading of awardee is starting .

" for the last we have our madla comlaude bachelor in business management and a bachelor in science engineering , let's congratulate miss amethyst cleojane nedgewood " the host said .

Cleoj went to the stage and received her certificate and went to give a speech .

" hello everyone I'm not a person who is good in speech and i get really nervous always whatever i do but today i want to deliver a great speech , for the young once that wanting to achieve something i would advice you to just go for it , many challenges and a big bad wolves that would try interfere with you , someone would try to discredit you and your hardwork , but just keep going , if you want something do it for the sake of good , do not compare yourself with me or anyone because your you and i am myself , we have a different types of worlds to instead of doing and getting what the other world has , make your own world a beautiful and unique place that you will be happy , especially don't change your world improve it , thank you " cleoj said .

The audience stand and clapped their hands , and the professors and councils stand up for cleoj .

" congratulations amy " veronica cleojs classmate said .

" Congrats cousin " mateo said to cleoj and giving her a hug .

" thank you teo " cleoj said to mateo .

Cleoj walk behind the stage and there she met with the other graduated students and also meet the professors and the council which congratulate and give her a present .

Catlley members went to where cleoj at and congratulate her .

" congratulations amethyst cleojane nedgewood " lizel said while imitating the host .

" Congrats amethyst " manager miyon and hyeon said .

" your so pretty today unnie " kria complimented cleoj .

" thank you guys " cleoj said .

They went to the rooftop which had a beautiful view and structures and has a lot of followers , the managers asked cleoj to take photo first just cleoj then with cleoj dad and after her dad is kria then harpy then urie and lizel after that they took a group photo and a photo which includes all of them with the managers , cleojs dad and the members .

The ceremony and the after party ended , all students that graduate had a group photo with the professors and also they get to have their yearbook .

Many people get to have a picture with cleoj , some of them were her classmates and some were her cousins and childhood friends .

They got to the mansion with many gifts at the main living room which is from cleojs friends from diffirent parts of the world that cannot be on her graduation and just sent a congratulations gift and cards which cleoj open all and give them all a call .

At 7 : 35 p.m. the girls went live at cleojs living room and the fans started to give them a lot of questions .

( Comments )
" cleoj congratulations "
" your in finland for cleoj graduation ? "
" y'all so pretty in the pics y'all post on Twitter "

The members had fun doing their live for the first time and chatted with the fans .

The live ended at 8 : 08 p.m. and the girls went to sleep , when they woke up their managers went to tour the girls that the management plan for their last day in finland .

The girls went to an aquarium and zoo that have a lot of beautiful animals and also watched a show .

Its already past 9 pm when the girls arrived at the plane station , they still use cleojs plane .

" bye amethys " cleoj dad said .

" bye dad visit me sometimes ok ? " cleoj said .

They say goodbye to each other and the plane fly away far and far until you cannot see it .

Catlley arrived at koreas airport at 4 am with a much bigger and larger suit cases .

CATLLEY happily went to sleep on their dorm .

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