04 : Rules & Roaches.

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Ryujin cannot fucking believe it.

First, her dinner got delayed when she was hungry, and now her sleep is getting delayed because Beomgyu is still scribbling on his paper. It's twelve for fuck's sake — she needs to sleep. And shower too.

She yawns looks at the person in front of her on the dining table, who is writing with great focus.  She was earlier annoyed, but now she's just plain bored. The air surrounding them is comfortable, Ryujin's jasmine scent making a perfect place amidst the heavily clouded chocolate in room 221. 

Now that she doesn't have anything else to do but wait, her nose picks up his scent in detail. Its weaving through the air in a dark allure, heavy with the smokiness of freshly roasted cocoa seeds, giving off him being an alpha. 

She shakes herself out of the thoughts of identifying his scent and clears her throat. "Are you done?"

Ofcourse they're framing their rules — the omega had already written hers, waiting for his to be complete. Beomgyu had explained that in order to live peacefully with each other, they need some laws for the land. She doesn't understand it, still. But it somehow makes sense, they are afterall an omega and alpha living together, some boundaries need to be set.

"Yeah, almost, okay done." He says with a hum after writing the last word, puts away the pen and picks up the paper between his fingers. Ryujin yawns again and he continues, ignoring her. 

"So my first rule is, I must not get interrupted from my unusual time of using the bathroom, since there's only one." And that somehow makes her a little more awake now. There had always been one bathroom for two roommates in SNU — but its a different deal considering their ranks.

"Fuck, no— we'll have to share?"

"Obviously." Beomgyu looks at her with a done expression. Ryujin seems disgusted hearing that and the alpha grows irritated. "Its not like I want it either. Stop overreacting." 

She rolls her eyes, as if this day hadn't been worse already. "Whatever." She takes a fleeting glance at her own paper and a devilish smile appears on her face reading her first rule.

"My rule is," she looks up to read his expression while he sits on the edge of his seat. "We will cook our dinners separately."

Beomgyu's eyes snap open, widening with shock and disbelief. The statement, so straightforward, catches him off guard. The shock registers on his face as he deflates, the sole purpose of applying for a roommate was having someone who can cook, and not like he wants to delegate all the kitchen work, he is ready to do everything else in return; from cleaning the dishes to doing the laundry, just not the cooking. 

He knows he has sufficient cooking skills for survival, but he can't live with them until his new roommate. He also knows that preparing a meal for yourself is a basic human task and everyone must learn it, but he is allowed to hate at least one thing in his life.

Ryujin is surely the master of tricks.

"Fine." With a squared jaw, he concedes to her rule and promptly sets forth his own. "My next rule is, no dirty business."

A brief pause ensues before her side erupts into loud, uninterrupted laughter. She throws her head back on the chair, finding the notion ridiculously hilarious. "Excuse me?" she manages between laughs, "Dirty business?"

He nods curtly, failing to discern what's so amusing as he attempts to sidestep her giggles. 

"What do you mean, dirty business?" She muses, shaking her head in disbelief, "Oh god, do you really think I'll take advantage of you or something?" The laughter lingers, punctuating the absurdity of the thought as she catches her breath.

𝐜𝐨𝐜𝐨 𝐣𝐚𝐬𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐞; 𝐛𝐞𝐨𝐦𝐫𝐲𝐮 ✓Where stories live. Discover now