05 : Problem At Hand.

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The next day arrived with quite a haste for Ryujin. She has slept through her first three alarms, which rarely happens but she blames it on sleeping late.

She figured out she won't get the time to prepare breakfast today, going to the classes hungry is not encouraged, but she can't do anything else at the moment.

But what's truly getting on her nerves is Beomgyu having occupied the bathroom for twenty minutes now. Who takes this long for a shower?

"I don't have all day! Hurry up," She shouts over the door, furiously tapping the floor with her foot, clutching her towel and a set of fresh clothes. "I'm getting late!"

Despite her urgency, there was no response from within, and Ryujin doesn't know what is he even doing because there's no sound of running water either. Impatience gets the best of her as she starts knocking on the door.

"Come on, open up!" she shouts again, knocking harder. In her haste, she gives one powerful bang with her palm, and to her horror, the door swings open. "Shit, shit, shit!"

There stood Beomgyu, in front of the basin, half of his face covered in white froth which Ryujin assumes is shaving cream. His razor stops midway when he looks over to see her standing on the door.

No words are spoken between them for some good seconds as her's voice gets stuck seeing the alpha in his post-shower glory; a towel loosely wrapped around his waist, hair wet and water droplets trickling down his bare chiseled chest. Fuck him and his gym.

The sight very unexpectedly leaves Ryujin flustered, and it mixes with her anger and frustration which makes her face turn red. "Choi Beomgyu!"

"What?" The ravenette replies nonchalantly, continuing to shave.

"Do you not know how to lock a door?!" She accuses, clearly annoyed to the brink, glaring at his face and trying hard not to look elsewhere.

The white starts disappearing from his face, hand and mouth moving in perfect coordination as he speaks. "I must have forgotten to mention, the bathroom lock doesn't work."

Ryujin's anger flares, her annoyance escalating to shock, "WHAT?!"

This day couldn't get any worse.

Beomgyu explains further, "Well, I never had a problem with it. I was the only one living here, and before that, my roommate was an alpha, remember? So, it was never an issue when the lock became loose."

The omega looks at him in utter disbelief of the current situation, not even trying to hide the distress in her scent. "And you didn't bother telling that?"

"Told you I forgot," he simply replies, finishing off his business and getting ready to vacate the space which is drenched in his chocolate scent. This much chocolate is definitely making her sick in the morning.

She grits her teeth, fists curling around her towel as she hangs it near the shower. "The lock must be repaired by tonight, or else."

"Or else what?" His scent piques with interest as he stops in his tracks to look at her.

Ryujin scowls, "Just shut up and put a shirt on!" Beomgyu laughs wholeheartedly as she bangs the door shut after him. "And I introduce a new rule, you are not allowed to be shirtless in this dorm!"

"Well, aren't you lucky to get a sneak peek of this masterpiece?" The alpha's voice is muffled from the other side and the girl is sure she would've murdered him if there wasn't a door separating them. "I bet you're blushing in th—"




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