14 : Compensation, Dear.

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Beomgyu squints his eyes as he sees a viral tweet that entails the information that two of the top actors of the industry were seen together.

He chuckles at the tweet. The media very well knows how to make the headlines spicy. Why can't they let celebrities live like normal people?

Nevertheless, he scrolls past. He looks up from his phone when he hears someone enter his room — ofcourse it's Ryujin.

It's almost been a month since his fever incident happened, and ever since that the rule of not trespassing into the other's place is almost forgotten, not that he minds it. He has been to Ryujin's room a few times after that and he must admit, it's pure heaven with all the jasmine (minus the questionable thoughts he gets because of it).

"You could have at least knocked," He scoffs. "That's basic manners."

"I don't have time for that." The omega retorts, heading straight to his closet without looking at him.

"That's not very nice of y— hey! What are you doing?" He sits up straight from his sleeping position when he sees her rummaging through his closet.

"Taking a few of your clothes for my nest," She says, picking out a few t-shirts. "Because it's my heat today, remember?"

Hold up. Beomgyu wants to slap himself. How the fuck did it slip out of his mind? So this is why her usually alluring scent is even sweeter right now, for she's in pre-heat. And oh God — the fact that Ryujin will be using his clothes for her nest, that will result in her smelling like him, is making him a little breathless.

Nesting was an intimate and instinctual behavior among omegas, a way for them to create a safe and comforting space during their pre-heat. Beomgyu couldn't help but mull over the significance of the choice she had made.

Usually, omegas make their nests with the fabric they're most comfortable with, which in most cases is their alpha's —  wait for a damn second, why is she using his clothes then? Does that mean—

"And before your mind goes anywhere where it shouldn't, let me clear that I use Minjeong's clothes but they are in the laundry duty and will take two days to arrive so I need compensation."

Oh. Paving the way to disappointment, Choi Beomgyu.

"Better pack your bags and leave before five in the evening." She says, eyes twinkling at the sight of a grey hoodie that she'll definitely be stealing.

Oh yes, they agreed that he would not be present during the five days her heat —  because technical reasons — and since his rut is also overlapping, it will be a dangerous situation. So off to Taehyun's place it is.

His rut is not today, it's two days later, but it would last for eight days because alphas have their ruts two times a year whereas heat occurs three times annually.

"Who are you going to spend it with?" The question slips off his tongue without any thought, mind too caught up thinking that someone out there is lucky enough to smell her sweet jasmine scent in heat and it—

"Chaeryeong." She replies, piling a few more of his sweatshirts and he thinks his closet would be cloth-less by the end of it, yet the omega wearing his clothes is something which he doesn't mind at all. "But nothing sexual, she just takes care of me."

Beomgyu doesn't know why he's a little relived to hear that. However, curiosity lingers in his eyes as he voices his thoughts, "Why not Minjeong? As far as I know, her self control over the alpha instincts is amazing-"

"Yup, she's very controlled. But I'm not," she grins mischievously. "I don't trust myself around hot female alphas, and it's impossible to not jump on her as soon as I see her in my heat."

𝐜𝐨𝐜𝐨 𝐣𝐚𝐬𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐞; 𝐛𝐞𝐨𝐦𝐫𝐲𝐮 ✓Where stories live. Discover now