Chapter 3

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"Okay you ready" Jennifer asks me coming into the bathroom. I look at myself in the mirror and looked at Jennifer, she was so much prettier than me. Jennifer sees me eyeing her
"Do you want me to help you" she asks. "Yes" I say shyly. She exits the bathroom and appears again with some black skinny jeans, white converse and a white crop top. She hands me a shower cap, some underwear and also hands me body wash. "Here take a shower. it will make you smell a lot better" she tells me and leaves the bathroom. When I lived back with my mom the water was never on long enough for me to take a shower. I don't know how we kept our house. she didn't have a job and she used every penny she got from the child support check FOR ME on herself to buy drugs.

I get out of the shower and used the towel she gave me to dry off. I throw on the clothes along with underwear and a bra that she also gave me. I put on the deodarant she gave me and spray on the perfume. I tear off the shower cap and look in the mirror. "All done " Jennifer asks poking her head into the door. "yeah " I reply. She comes into the bathroom with a tub of gel and a brush. She brushes my hair up into a bun and smooths down my baby hairs with the gel. She applies on eyeliner and mascara to my eyes which kindve hurts and I keep blinking. She puts on some blush and tells me to look in the mirror. "Woah" I exclaim out loud without realizing it. It was like I was looking at a different girl in the mirror. "Okay lets go" Jennifer calls out picking up her keys off her dresser. We leave and go out to the car. "Okay, so first , were going to go to Walmart and get you things you need like toothpaste,Toothbrush, Underwear,body wash and things of that nature" she tells me. We drive to the Walmart. "What made you go Lesbian"I ask "Boys make me mad" she replies. "That's understandable" I tell her.

We pull up at the Walmart in about 10 minutes, its not really that far. We walk inside and go straight to the undergarments aisle. She picks up
about 6 bras and two packs of underwear and throws it into the basket. We head over to the makeup aisle next. This is a whole new world for me. Back with my mom I only ever seen makeup when she wore it. Jennifer is throwing things into the basket left and right, saying things will make my eyelashes look better or conceal my dark spots. None of that means anything to me but I just go along with it. The next aisle we go go is hair care. She puts some brushes and a huge toothed comb into the basket. She picks up this giant industrial sized tub of brown gel like anyone would need all of that. Next, we go to the aisle with body wash and shampoo. This I knew about. I knew what soap was but I just never owned any. She tosses in 2 things of each this time. 2 body washes, 2 shampoos, 2 conditioners.

She says these are the things I'll use the most of and I'll need a lot of it. These are industrial sized bottle. It'll probably take me a year to finish one of these.
We go to the wall on the other side and she picks up three pink toothbrushes and 2 tubes of tooth paste.
Jennifer just walks over to the next aisle, and she knows exactly what she's doing. We head over to the Jewelry section. She picks up a set of huge black pearls and a set of huge white ones. "All you'll need are the everyday basic colors" she tells Me.
We head over to the swimwear section and she picks up like five two-piece bathing suits. Then she's almost done when she heads over to get me a 15 pack of black socks. I think black socks are cute. Jennifer knew what she was doing , so I just followed her lead.

We paid then left the store. "Where to next" I ask her as we get into the car. "Were going to the Beverly Center mall" she replies. "So are you ready for school" she asks me. "A little. but only to meet the boys. "Well. There are a lot of boys at our school. You'll be good with that" she jokes. The car ride to the mall seems to take forever, but we finally get there. Right when we pull up into the parking lot of the mall Jennifer's phone rings. "Hello" she says into the phone. I can't hear the person on the other end but I can hear Jennifer. "Yeah. Yeah she's with me. Yeah were here. Okay see you in like 5 minutes" Jennifer says and then hangs up the phone. "My friend Lacy is going to meet us here" Jennifer tells me. We get out of the car and head into the mall. Its almost the same as Walmart when we get into the mall. Jennifer picking up stuff and buying it. She gets me a whole lot of things. She gets me name brand shoes I only ever seen people on TV wear. Uggs,Jordan's, Air force ones. A lot of name brand shoes.
We finish in the mall and head to the nail salon. "What are we here for" I ask glancing down at her already down pink and gold acrylic nails. "For you silly" she replies and laughs. "Come on" she adds pulling me out of the car. We head into a nail salon with brightly colored words on the front that say Kiara's Place With pictures of nails on the front. "How may we help you too-day" a Chinese Lady says at the front desk. "Yeah, she needs her nails done and ughhh her eyebrows" Jennifer says eyeing my eyebrows and nails. A lady comes and pulls me by the hand and pulls over to a seat with a lamp, a tiny little fan and a long row of nail Polish. Jennifer comes over to where I'm sitting. "Watchu need too-day" the lady asks Me. But before I can say anything Jennifer steps in and says "She's getting an acrylic full set". The lady says something to Jennifer I can't understand and Jennifer goes over the a table and picks up a white polish and a gold glitter polish. She sets it down on the table and the lady starts doing my nails.

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