Chapter 9

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The first month of school goes by fast. Koby makes the football team and I make the cheer team.
Koby and I have been going strong for a month now.

I walk out of my room. The clock on my phone reads 3:51AM.
I text Koby to see if he's up.

Me: You up baby
Koby texts me back fast which let's me know he is up.

Koby: Yes I am.
Me:Come to my room
Me: Bring a pillow and blanket
Koby: Coming.

I hear him walk into my room. I go over and hug him and he lays down with me.
"Hey beautiful" he whispers to me.
"Hey handsome" I say back.
We don't do much talking. Just kissing and cuddling.
"Sarah I have to tell you something" he says. "Yes baby" I ask. "I love you Sarah, I do" He tells me. I think that maybe he's only saying that because he is laying in my room, but we do this almost every night. Either me in his room or him and mine, but mostly him in mine. He said he liked how it smelled and how clean it was.
"Koby. I love you too" I say and sit up to look at him. Koby grabs me and Kisses me. He pulls me ok top of him. We kiss for a while and then fall asleep.
The next morning I wake up its a Saturday and Koby is still asleep. I walk into Jennifer's room and see her and Stacy on the floor wrestling.
I walk past them into the bathroom.
I had a wonderful night with Koby last night.

When I walk back into my room Koby is talking on the phone with someone. He seems upset.

He finally finishes on the phone with them and then places his face into his palms and starts crying.
"Jesus Koby, are you okay. what's wrong" I ask him.
"My mom." he says.
"What about her baby" I exclaim. "She passed away last night" he tells me. Every word is another tear and he is struggling to keep his guard in front of me.
I hug him, no I squeeze him.
"You cry Koby. I know how you feel. You just gotta cry" I tell him. I sit there squeezing him. I don't want to ever let him go, never. I want to sit there with him forever.
"Baby. Its okay" I tell him. Koby just sits there crying and I sit with him.
I go into my uncle's room and sit with him at his desk. He sees the look on my face. "How is Koby doing" he asks me. "Not good" I tell him. "He'll be fine, he has me" I add. "you take good care of him, you will won't you" He asks me. "you know that I will" I tell him. "Koby knows hurt, and so do you. You're the only here that knows how he feels. not to mention you've been dating for 2 months" Uncle Monty looks at me. "How did you know about That" I ask. "You two love each other, I can tell" Uncle Monty says. "I love you two like my own children. I promised your dad I would take care of his girls if your mama didn't get right. Your sister is up there with your daddy, they're okay. And so are you" Uncle Monty adds. "Now get up there and make sure that boy is okay. Y'all will be fine. Cause he has you"

I hug uncle Monty and go back into my room. When I get in there Koby isn't in there.
"Where did he go" I ask Jennifer. "The bathroom or something. I don't know" she says.
I look in my bathroom, he's not there.
His room, he's not there. Lastly, I check his bathroom. Its locked. I knock on it. "Koby" I call. No reply. I call again, and once again no reply. I bang on the door but he do sent open. I get so scared. I use all my stregnth to push into the door and it opens. There I fins Koby on the bathroom floor and pills everywhere. he is unconscious. "AAAAH" I scream.
I fumble for my phone and call 911.
"911 what's your emergency"
"MY BOYFRIEND, HE TRIED TO KILL HIMSELF" I almost yell into the phone, at this point I'm crying. Uncle Monty, Aunt Shirley and everyone else is surrounding me. "What is your address"
"13 mockingbird lane" I tell her.
"were sending a dispatcher your way".

As soon as I hang up the phone I lay on the floor with Koby. I try so hard to shake him and get him up. He dosent get up.

Finally, the EMTs gets there. I watch as they put Koby into the back of the ambulance. I try to get in the back with him. "Are you family" they ask. "Yes. I am his sister" I lie. They hesitate then finally let me on. I watch as they try their best to rehabilitate Koby. I cry the whole time. when we get to the hospital they send me to the front desk to get him checked in.

I walk up to the room Koby is in.
He's asleep and he has a lot of tubes in his face. This breaks my heart because I love him.

I sit in the chair close by him and go to sleep.
When I wake up, he's awake and he is eating.
"Oh Koby" I say.
"Sarah, baby girl" he says to me.
"What did you do to yourself" I ask him. "I wanted to be with my mom, I can't live is she's not" he tells me. I hug him and kiss him.
"Sarah, I love you and I'm so sorry. " he says. "I tried to help you. I was gonna be there for you" I say. "I love you so much Koby" I add.

The nurse comes in and tells us that we caught Koby in time, or else he would have died. "He can go home today. " she says.
I'm so glad he is okay because I almost lost the most important thing to me.

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