Chapter 4

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I look down at my oversized brightly colored nails. I've never seen nails like this in real life, only on TV. "Do you like them" Jennifer asks me. "They're cool" I tell her. "Okay so now where to" I ask as we get into the car. "Going to the At&T store to get you a phone." She tells me. "Really" I exclaim. This is the best thing I heard all day. I never ever had a phone before. I imagine myself texting on it and actually having friends. I won't be the Suicide Sister Girl anymore. I was always the weird girl at all of my other schools. My mom never showed me how to be a Lady or what a mom was supposed to show you.

"I love you Jennifer and Thank you so much" I tell her. "No problem. Family doesn't leave family hanging"She exclaims.

We pull up at the phone store and I am so excited. We walk in and Jennifer does all the talking and money exchanging and then finally they give me my phone and ask me do I want a case. I examine the phone. It was very flimsy and I'm very clumsy so I say yes and pick out an Otterbox. I was so excited to have a phone. It was an I phone 5s. It had so many things you could do. I could actually call people on the phone and see their face at the same time. How cool was that ? "Now where are we--" I start but Jennifer cuts me off. "Were going to a pool partt, so reach back there and pick out a bathing suit" Jennifer tells me. I pick out a rainbow colored one. I look at my phone and the time reads 8:33. I can't believe how long we've been out. Then I look at the back seat, it was full of bag after bag and You couldn't even see the window in the back.

We pull up at a big house bigger than any house I've ever seen. I'm sure a famous person lived there. Jennifer parks behind the long row of cars spilling out the driveway. I follow her inside and we heard the music even before we got out the car. "Baby won't you come my waaaaaaayyy" we hear a song blasting even louder when Jennifer opens the door. The lights are off on the inside and people are in their bathing suits with glow sticks around their necks,arms, and wrists. It is glow in the dark lights all over the wall and the drinks are even glow in the dark. "Jasmine you made it" someone comes over and hugs Jennifer. "My name is Jennifer and I don't like you. I only came cause your party sounded fun" Jennifer says and pushes the girl off of her. The girl looks hurt like she wants to cry but she doesn't even care she just goes over to hug the next guest that comes in behind us. We go to the back where we see a girl. Jennifer stops and kisses her. I suppose this is her girlfriend. I just stand there ackwardly but a guy comes behind Me and grabs me on the butt. I don't know how to react so I turn around as fast as I can. "Aye ma" he says with a Hispanic accent. When Jennifer sees me talking to somebody she comes over immediately. "hey Jennifer this one is mine, back off" The guy says. I think he is for real like him and Jennifer don't like each other. "This is my cousin, Sarah. and if you hurt her or touch her in anyway that she do sent like I will put rat poison in your food. Comprehend essay" Jennifer exclaims. "Yeah I understand my Niggah" He says in a mocking tone. Jennifer pulls me aside and we walk off. "Don't talk to him ever again. I hate him. He do sent like me because his girlfriend turned bi and she likes me. That's my girlfriend now.Just don't, Just d-- here" She says as she pulls my phone and enters her number. "Text me where you'll be at. I will text you back Sarah" she tells me and walks off.

I walk to a door which looks like a bathroom. Nope, there were a couple in there having sex. I close the door back. It's so crowded in that party I don't know where to go. I finally find the bathroom and change into my bathing suit. I run out to the car and grab a bag. I throw my clothes that are already in there out into the back seat. I put my clothes that I change out of into the back seat. I pick up my phone and walk back into the party. I walk around the party and ask someone where the pool is. "Its in the backyard. Where else" The person says Jokingly and laughs with their friends. I walk to the back and find the pool. I almost get lost in the house and the enormous crowd of people in the house. Its an almost even bigger crowd in the pool. I dont think that many people are supposed to be in that pool at one time.

"Heeeeeeey what are you doing over here all alone. looking all lost" A girl asks me. "I don't know anyone here. My cousin, Jennifer is over somewhere with her ughhh, Girlfriend I think" I tell the girl. "Whats your name" she asks me. "Sarah" I reply. "are you bored" She asks me. "Yes I'm bored" I reply. "Come on" she calls and pulls me by the hand. I can't tell where we going because its alot of people in the party but I can tell when she is bringing me upstairs. She finally brings me to a room with about 8 people in there.

"This is Sarah" she tells them.
"Sup" I hear different hellos from around the room. "What are y'all doing up here" I ask. "Were chilling. Come on dude" The girl I came with says. Some one pulls out a bag with white powder which I've seen my mom with before but I don't know what it is. And another person pulls out a bottle of Jack Daniels. Another person pulls out a bag full of joints and I think its weed. "What do you want. Anyone you like. Pick one" A guy says to me. "We want the weed" The girl says and he tosses it to her. "Wait what's your name" I ask her. "Stella" She replies and pulls out a Joint and a lighter. She pushes it between my lips and I take a long drag.

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