Chapter 11

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"See you next year, have a great summer" I say to all of my school friends.
Its finally the last day of school and I walk out with Koby on my arm. Its been a year since I've been at Uncle Monty's and Aunt Shirley's.

Koby and I walk to my car.
"Koby I have to talk to you" I say.
"Yeah anything baby." Koby says.
"I missed my period" I tell him.
At first he dosent know what to say. He just looks at me crazily. I see tears forming in his eyes.
"Well. Let's go get you a pregnancy test. right now" he exclaims. He drives off to the nearest drug store. As soon as we get there Koby rushes to the back.
He picks up a box that reads: Pregnancy Test.
We rush to the front to pay.
We leave the store and rush home even faster.

Koby tries his best not to speed, but both of us are eager to get home.
As soon as we get home Koby and I run to the bathroom And he rips open the box.
"Koby, read the instructions" I say.
"2 lines pregnant, 1 line not" he says.
I pee into a cup and then set the stick in there.
We sit for what feels like forever until we look at the stick.
"2 lines" Koby whispers and then the both of us break into tears.
I walk over to Koby and put my hand on his back.
"We have to go to Uncle Monty And Aunt Shirley. " I say.
"Aunt Shirley is more understanding" I add.
We walk down stairs into Aunt Shirley's office.
I knock.
"Come in" she calls.
I open the door.
"We need to talk to you" Koby says.
We sit down .
"What's wrong" she asks.
I look down.
"I'm pregnant" I say.
She gasps.
"Okay. I had Jennifer at 15" She tells me.
"What you need to do is drive over to the free Clinic up the road.I'll drive you there" she adds.

"When" Koby asks.
"We can go now, come on" Aunt Shirley says and we follow her to her car.

We drive for about 10 minutes until we get to the clinic.

We walk in behind aunt Shirley.
it is pretty empty so I think they're about to close.
"Hi how may I help you today" the woman at the desk asks.
"My niece is pregnant. we need a check up" she replies.
"Okay follow me" the woman says leading us behind a door.

I lay down on the table and a doctor comes in.
"Hi, I'm Dr. Maryland and how are you today" she asks.
"I'm good" I tell her.
"Okay, so what were going to do is check your ultra sound. It may Be a little cold" Dr.Maryland says.
She begins to squeeze a gel onto a tube looking thing.
she places it onto my stomach and starts to move it around.

"Oh wow. You're 3 months pregnant" she tells us.

"Can you tell if its a boy or girl" Koby asks.
"Actually no, You have 3 weeks more weeks before I can do that. So, technically you're 15 weeks pregnant. You should start showing soon. " She explains to us.

"Koby. were having a baby" I tell him.
"I know, baby" he says and hugs me.

We leave the clinic and Aunt Shirley brings us home.
When we get home me and Koby rush upstairs to tell Jennifer.

"Jennifer" I call her name up the stairs.

"What" she exclaims.
"So when I find out the sex wanna help me go baby shopping" I ask.
"No" she exclaims and smiles
"Yes" I exclaim.
She lifts up my shirt to feel my stomach.
"Jesus Christ. You're pregnant" she whispers.
"Koby, pull out game is weaaaaakk" Stacy says and punches Koby in the arm.
"Yea! yeah " he says and laughs.

We walk into my room and lay on my bed.
"Koby" I say.
"Hmmm" he replies
"Were pregnant" I add
"I know! Were going to get through, I swear" he tells me.

The next morning I wake up I run to the bathroom. I have to pee and throw up all in one.

"Sarah, you okay" Koby asks me.
"yeaaa" I moan back.
I walk back into my room.
"Koby" I say
"hmmm" he groans, still half asleep.
"Babe! I want IHOP" I say.
"mhmm" he groans, again.
"Get up" I say jumping on him.
"okay I'm up Sarah" Koby says jumping up.

"She's what" I hear uncle Monty screaming, then suddenly I hear him thudding down the hall.

"Sarah Renee Taylor, you're pregnant" exclaims uncle Monty.
"Yes Sir" I say.
"Why am I the last to know" he asks. "I just l found out yesterday" I tell him.

I feel a tear falling from my face.
"Okay. look Sarah, I understand. you're a teen and your hormones are raging. but you have got to be careful. We made the same mistake once when we were your age and we don't want-- well you've made the same mistake.
but we'll help you get through it and it wont be such a mistake , because we had Jennifer at 16 and 17. It'll be okay dear." Uncle Monty explains.

He leaves my room and Koby hugs me.
"I'm so sorry Koby" I tell him.
"For what" he asks.
"You're stuck with me for the next 18 years" I reply.
"If you wanna leave can you go now so our child wont know you first" I add
"Is this a joke, are you joking" Koby asks me.
"im very serious" I say.
"I'm never ever leaving you. this is both of our faults. you didn't do it by yourself. " Koby explains then hugs me.
"and I love you" he says.
"Can I have IHOP now" I ask and we both laugh.

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