Chapter 7

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The four of us leave the house an hour later. I loan Stacy some clothes I know I will probably never get back.

The four of us pile into the car and I don't drive this time. Koby and I in the back seat and Stacy in the passenger seat and Jennifer driving.

When we finally get to where were going its a restaurant. We pull up at IHop and everyone gets out. Koby goes around to open my door and I get out. We all walk in and sit down. "Are you ready to order" the waitress asks us. "a little longer" Stacy says. "Drinks" The waitress asks.
We all tell her what we want to drink and we all continue to look at the menu.
As we sit there two tall black guys walk over. "Yoooooo. Koby, how you been bro" One of the guys says. "hey, wassup man" Koby says, standing up to shake their hands.
"Introduce us man" His friend says grinning at us. "Gay, Gay, Mine" Koby says pointing around the table. Mine, he called me his. What does that mean for me and him. I watch him as he talks to his old friends about whatever they are talking about.

The waitress comes back. "Are you guys ready to order" she asks. "um yes, I want cheese grits, bacon, eggs and pancakes with white chocolate chips" I say. "I want an omelet, with Bacon" Koby says. "I want eggs Benedict with toast" Stacy says. "I just want eggs" Jennifer explains.
The waitress writes everything down and walks off.
"Yo, Koby. we out. but um what's your number"
Koby writes down number on a napkin and hands it to his friends and they leave.

The waitress comes over and brings us our food and everyone starts to eat.
"So, you and Sarah" Jennifer asks Koby. "Me and Sarah" Koby asks looking at me and grabbing my hand. I start to blush and he starts smiling and I see his blue and orange braces. "Aweeeee. y'all should date already, Y'all should go into school next week all cute together and stuff" Stacy says.
"Maybe" Koby explains and rubs his thumb against my hand.

We finish eating and I put my leftovers into a to go box. Koby grabs my hand and pulls me to the car.

"So where are we going now" I ask. "The movies" Stacy tells me. "To see what " I ask again. "Whatever is there" Jennifer says.
Jennifer turns on the radio and the four of us sing along in the car.

When we get to the movies it's a pretty big crowd there.

"How many tickets" the woman asks when we get to the counter.
"4 adult tickets for Insidious 3" Jennifer tells the woman.
The woman hands us our tickets and we go to the theater.

We sit restless through the previews and the movie finally starts.
Most of the movie Koby flirts with me and I flirt back.
"Sarah, I like you" he whispers to me. "Koby. I like you too. " I whisper back. Koby looks at me for a while then finally, he kisses me. Koby and I sit there Kissing for such a long time. Its so perfect. everything is perfect.

Someone is Shaking me and I don't know who. Its Jennifer. "Hey you fell asleep during the movie, slept through the whole thing." she tells me. This makes me mad. "Me and Koby didn't kiss" I ask. "No, you slept while he watched the movie" Jennifer says laughing. I look around the theater and everyone else is gone to the car.

I walk to the car with Jennifer feeling embarrassed. When I get into the car Koby is sitting in the backseat while Stacy is in the front.
"You fell asleep on me" Koby says to me quietly. "The movie was boring and I had a nice dream" I say. "About what, why was it so nice" he asks me. "Because you kissed me in it and you told me you liked me" I say embarrassed. "I do like you and I do want to kiss you" he says looking into my eyes.
"Maybe one day" he tells me breaking out of his gaze.
I look down at my phone at it reads
8:32. I didn't realize we had been out that long. "Y'all wanna go to a party" Jennifer asks me and Koby. "Its like a party at the lake and a bonfire. " Stacy adds.
I look at Koby and he nods yes. "Yeah I guess , can we go home first" I ask. "Oh yeah" Stacy says.

When we get to the house I rush into room. I slip off my clothes and throw on one of the many bathing suits we bought. I pull a crop top that is cut and some shorts on over it. I throw a towel, my charger, wallet, lotion, brush, deodorant and perfume into a bag. I grab my keys off my dresser and rush to the car.

"Hey, can I drive my car too because last time I went to a party with you I got this" I say showing my cut from the last party.
"Yeah I don't care, take Koby with you. no need for him to third wheel" Stacy tells me and we all laugh.

We go to the car and Koby gets into the passenger side.
I wait and let Jennifer pull off first because I don't know where I am going.
The first couple of minutes of the drive are kindve awkward so I turn on the radio. I guess Koby can sense the awkwardness so he starts a conversation. "Why did you come to live with your cousins" he asks. I look down and try not to cry. "The place I was in was not good for me" I say wiping away a tear. "Oh my God. I'm so sorry for asking Sarah" he tells me.
"No. its okay. I just haven't talked about it since I got here. " I explain. "You can tell me. do you need to talk" he asks. "You're going to Judge me" I tell him. "Oh God no. I really won't. " he says. "
May 15. I remember the pain of it like it was yesterday, but it wasn't yesterday. It was a year ago and that hurt the worst. I sortve wished she didn't hide her tears and told me instead. She was only 19 but she was all I really had. Sure I had my mom but she had drugs and alcohol too and she scared me. My dad died when I was 5 and mom didn't handle herself right ever since. But ever since then I had Taylor and Taylor had food. Taylor's weight problem began when she was 9. People made fun of her for it. She couldn't take it. Imagine 10 years of people antagonizing you. She jumped off the bridge and hung herself. She jumped off the Golden gate bridge. I hate, I hate that bridge" I exclaim. This time its not a tear or two. I'm bawling. "And my mom had this boyfriend, she let him beat me. with a hammer" I raise my voice and it cracks. I pull over because this is too much and I don't even realize that its raining. "Oh Sarah. please stop, I can't see you like this. Its killing me" he says and hugs me. At this point I'm crying uncontrollably. Koby pulls me and looks into my eyes. He kisses me and this time its not a dream, I am not dreaming.

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