Chapter 6

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"Wake up. were going school shopping" Jennifer says waking me up. "Okay. okay" I reply. She hands me a pair of leggings, a acid washed button up, a pink crop top and some pink uggs lying on the floor.

I get into the shower and put on my shower cap. I turn the water off as soon as I'm done and get out.
I dry off and put on my underwear and bra. "All done" I call to Jennifer

She enters with a wand and a comb.
She begins parting my hair and placing the wand onto my already poofy hair.

She takes her time and does every piece of my hair and then finally finishes. She does my makeup and then I get dressed. We exit and I grab my keys and rush down the stairs. "Saraaaah. Okay, The oldest kids are going on their own to do some shopping in either Sarah or Jennifer's car. Which ever one wants to drive. The little kids will come with Shirley and me. " He finishes and hands the 4 of us money. I look at the 5 bills in my hand that he handed each of us precisely. We leave and everyone walks over to my car and Jennifer goes to the passenger side and looks at me.
I get into the driver side and put the key into the ignition. We drive to the mall first and we all get out. Usually when we get to the mall with the family we separate from them, but usually its the four of us that always separates. We don't separate, we all just go from store to store.

We end up leaving the mall with so many bags they don't all fit in the trunk and we have to put some in the backseat and my cousins in the back can barely move. On the way home, Jennifer drives and I just scroll through instagram.

Next we go to Walmart and buy toiletries. We walk out with almost the same amount of bags.
We leave Walmart and head to Applebee's to get something to eat.

"How many" A waitress asks as we step into the restaurant. "Only four" Jennifer tells her. She guides us to a booth near by and we sit down and look at the menus. "What to get, mhmmmmm" Jennifer contemplates. As we sit down a familiar looking girls drifts over to our table. Its Stacy, Jennifer's girlfriend.
"Hey you" Stacy says ans Jennifer and I both lock eyes. The girl leans in to Kiss Jennifer but Jennifer curves her. "Hey" Jennifer stands and walks away from the table with the girl.
"Did that girl just try to kiss Jennifer" Koby asks me. "That's a story for another day" I tell him as I look down at my menu. "I know why" Jessie cuts into the conversation. "Why" Koby and I ask in unison. "Jennifer likes girls---" she starts. My eyes get wide, I can feel them. "--- I went through her phone one day, I saw pictures and messages. When I asked her about she simply told me I'm gay. and I promised not to say anything. But I'm pretty sure she wouldn't mind if Koby knows and Sarah already knows" Jessie says not even looking up from her menu. Koby and I just sit with our mouths hanging open and wide eyes.

"You guys ready to order" the waitress asks. "Ummmmmm, I'll have two chicken quesidillas and a frutopia" I say. "I just want a Burger with fries and Bacon on it. and oh a large coke" Koby says. "I want hot wings. without bones and sprite" Jessie explains. The waitress dissapears and Jessie says she has to use the bathroom leaving me and Koby alone. I look around for Jennifer and see her nearby at a table with Stacy which makes me think she came here purposefully.
"So, Sarah. You look nice" Koby tells me. "Oh this? Jennifer helps me, I'm new to all of this" I tell him, embarrassed. "You really are pretty"he tells me. "Thank you" I tell him and blush. Koby scoots closer to me on the booth seat. He looks down at my arm and eyes a bruise. We both see it at the same time and I cover it up with my hand.
Koby looks at me. I look down at the ground, not able to look him in the eye.

I look up at our eyes meet, we have an awkward eye contact. Neither of us knowing what to say the waitress appears with our food the same time that Jessie does.
" Y'all look a little close" Jessie says grinning. "I'll go" she adds then walks over to a table with a group of her friends.
Koby grabs my hand. "Saraaaah" he says dragging out my name. "Hey" I reply.

We eat our food and I put some in a box to go. Me and Koby leave and I tell Jennifer to text me when she wants me to come back and get her and Jessie.

Koby and I walk to the car and he gets into the passenger side.
I put the key into the ignition and we drive off.

Koby and I sing along to the radio but soon he drifts off to sleep.

When we get home Koby Is still asleep and only minutes after I pull into the driveway I get a text from Jennifer telling me that Stacy will bring them home later.
"Wake up " I say gently shaking Koby. "mmhmmm, I'm up" he exclaims. He gets out the car and I don't know where he's going and then he goes around to open my door.
I get out and Koby tells me not to worry about the bags and we'll get them in the morning. We both go inside and he goes to his end of the hall and I go to mine.

The next morning I wake up to Stacy on the floor asleep and Jennifer right next to her.
"oh God" I think to myself. "Wake up" I exclaim waking them up.

Jennifer and Stacy talk for a while and then Jennifer grabs her keys.

"Wanna come" she asks me.
"Yeah, let me see if Koby wants to come" I say. Jennifer grins at me. "You and Koby" she asks me. I don't answer I just smile and walk to his room. I knock on the door and he answers almost immediately.

"wassup" he calls without opening the door. "Hey its Sarah" I say
I hear shuffling and then he opens the door.
"oh hey Sarah" he says. I smile. "ugh, I was wondering did you want to come with us, were going somewhere. I don't know where exactly but do you want to come" I ask looking everywhere else but at Koby. "Oh. sounds good, lemme just get ready" he tells me.

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