Chapter Two - Falling

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Peter's doctor told his family he would have to stay in the hospital for more two weeks to recovery.  Brad and James, two of his best friends used to go visit him everyday. The funny part is the that his friends were also my friends. I knew Brad since high school, we both are from Flagstaff so we ended up going to College together. We decided we would not apply for colleges to far away 'cause the Universities in our State were already good enough, Brad wants to be a lawyer and thats how he met the others and Peter. They are all in the same class and Paula is in mine. Peter already knew Brad because they both used to play tennis in some championships and Peter's grandparents live in Flagstaff as well. Now we are all living on the campus of University of Arizona in Tucson, one close to another and the guy I never though I would speak with, at least not for now is on the hospital and I was the girl by his side when he waked.

" So it wans't so bad to wake with you staring at me you know. "

" I was not staring! I was looking after you, thats all. Because your friend over there asked me too." Brad was talking to some pretty girl on the phisiotheorapy and left me here alone with Peter. I wanted to go already, but for some reason( I honestely don'y know why) Brad almost begged me to stay today again. Is the fourth day I come to visit with him, that means I'm spending the last four days of my afternoon and my nights in a hospital. I lost a date last night 'cause I was to tired to go. It's not like I was anxious about it, but the guy was hot and normally makes me laugh so..

" And for that I'm thankful, really. "

" Really?" Here's the world again. I don't know why but we already said really like hundred times on the last four days I'm here so is starting to become "our thing". But I should probably stop overthink this, it's not like I would go on a date with Peter anyway.

" Really." He says that laughing." I like to talk with you, even when we don't agree on certain things."

" Like what? You tried to convince me that the man should not go to jail, I mean c'mon! He is totally guilt, he totally killed that woman! "

" You don't know that, the cops are not finding any susteinable proof. "

" So what? He is in jail, his right to respond in freedom was denied so he'll stay there."

" But his lawyer is a good one and I believe he might be declared innocent in front of a grand jury because as I already explained to you the proofs they have aren't good enought, I think the police is hiding somenthing. "   

" No they are not! You're just saying all this because your father knows the lawyer. The woman was raped! And is not the first one. I believe he is guilty. "

" You might be wrong, but I won't keep arguing with you about it, we won't be able to agree on this. "

" Now I can agree on that! " I realized I was talking to high.

" You have quite a temper don't you? " He has a point, I do like when I'm the one with the reason. Why does he always laught at me? Gosh!

" Yes I do! And I don't intend to change it."

" Good, I like you this way. "

We both smile to each other and start to talk about movies. Now thats a subject we kind of agree. We have the same taste here. And he watch those old movies from the 30's until 60's which for me is awesome since I love classic movies. After a while Brad is back and with us.

It was like this for the whole two weeks he stayed at the hospital. In the end of the day I had to admit it I enjoyed. He was funny and got my jokes. Turns out we had the same sense of humor, same opinion in the same amount of things we disagree. He just knew me. It was kind of weird to think that I could find a person who understood me without needing me to explain what I had told already before, or knew when I was been rude on purpose and when I wasn't. But I didn't want to be interested on him, he probably was just becaming my friend and that was it. Friends and nothing more.

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