Chapter Five - Afraid

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Everthing is pretty quiet right now. I believe is no more than nine in the morning. I can feel his breath over my neck, he's holding me and his body is so warm. I must admit it, it feels good, really good. I try to move but I'm sure if I do that right now I'll end waking him up. 

Last night was amazing. We kept talking and kissing until 2 am. He looked so happy. His eyes were even more blue than usual, if that is even possible. Of course I was still afraid, scared that maybe all this all of sudden would end. I was in love with him, falling more every day and these feelings scare me. I couldn't just let go, let myself feel all at once, I decided I would have to be careful in order to not get hurt. Like the last time. Which was hard with him close to me like he is right now. I tried to stay still a little bit more and enjoy his smell. He's still smelling fresh bath and mint and his fragrance that I love. I'm almost falling sleep again when he talks close to my ears.

" Good morning." Oh my God! I could wake with this voice for the rest of my life.

" Good morning. I thought you were keep sleeping until lunch time." He grins.

" Nope, although I could stay like this for the rest of the day you know.." 

" Yeah, but you can't because your parents are showing up this aftertoon right?" 

" Exactly. But you know, they will be gone by night probably.." 

" That sounds good." I smile to myself.

" Yes it does." Suddenly he pushes me closer to him and turns me in order to stay face to face with him. He has such a good smile on his face..

" What?" I ask him.

" Nothing, just happy and enjoying the view."

" Really?" I try to sound serious. He laughs.

" Really." 

I start to feel that way again. That fear. We became friends and falled in love with eachother. And he knows me so well already. But I knew his mother would not be pleased about it.

" Sophie stops." He hold my face and sound serious now. " Do not overthink this, my mother will like you at the end, I promise. Mrs.Emily Barnes is just being..Emily!" He try to smile at me. He ended up answering my thoughs, like he does all the time actually.

" Yeah, I'm sure she will. I just- " 

" Stop it! Now! I know you, you're not pushing me away, got it?" He sits up in bed and hold my hands making me sit with him.

" Got it." I fake a smile and try to pretend I'm letting this go. But I'm not.

He cooks breakfast to me, we talk about all sort of things while we eat. I don't pick my phone and neither does he. By noon we are talking about where we could go to have lunch when someone knocks on the door.

" Who could it be?" I aks him.

" I don't know."

He goes to the door and he's about to open when his mother opens the door first. " Shit!"

" Hello sweetie! How are you?"  We both look shocked. His mother is very pretty, she is white and tan, has a great body, results of years and years at the gym. Her blonde hair is straigh and close to her shoulders and looks so bright right now, her eyes are green. He's father, George Barnes walks in right after Emily. He is taller as his son, his hair is a little more darker, grayish blonde and pretty short. He play tennis too so I guess this is Peter in the future. Which looks pretty good to me.

Emily is hugging her son when she sees me.

" Sorry my dear! Brad told me he was at your place." She smiles at me but doens't sound sorry at all.

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