Chapter 20 : The choice

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Hello there everyone ! It has been a while since this book has last been upload. So today is the day the latest chapter of this book will come out. I wanted to thank you all for reading, I would have never thought a story like this would ever once reach 13k views .. that's insane ! So thank you all for that. If you ever want me to write another book about GogeVege/VegeGoge just tell me, I'd gladly do it ! Anyway, thank you again for reading and enjoy this last chapter !

There won't be smut in this chapter, just fluff 😅

Alright now that's all, thank you all for everything !

Previously : Vegito managed to top Gogeta after they both agreed that it was time for their couple to experiment each other side. However, what happened next ? Find out in this chapter !

Time skip : 2 years later

Page 1 : Private Diary of the bestest Warrior with Earrings !

Dear diary, we've all managed to bring peace once again on Earth. It's already been 2 years now and many things happened. First, Goku and Vegeta married together. It was really funny to see Vegeta in a wedding dress while Goku looked very happy. Secondly, Future Trunks came back again to warn us about a big problem. We had to deal with an evil me counterpart which knew our every moves. Eventually, Gogeta managed to trick him so I could kill him when he wasn't looking. Turns out, my evil me lost his mind after hearing all those things that happened to Future Trunks, so he wanted revenge on everyone for not being strong enough. At first, I really thought he would turned out just like Zamasu or wish to be immortal so we would have needed to call Zen'O, but no. Future Trunks looked devastated but hopefully he have Future Mai and Future Goten for him. His girlfriend and best friend. Such caring people. And finally, the last event that happened to us- I mean me, was that I question myself again about how I feel. I mean- who wouldn't ? I literally topped my boyfriend ! I'm the top now ! It feels good, don't get me wrong, but I'm so .. small compared to him. He bigger than me at everything and much better. I'm the lazy top and he's the perfect bottom. To be honest, I miss being in his arms, when he would hold me when I sleep, whisper sweet nothings in my ears, fuck me real good and all- Not to mention, he is literally the father of everyone. Gotenks sees me as his mother figure, Goten and Trunks sometimes came here to ask Gogeta to train them when their parents are busy training with Whis or having 'private times' together. Moreover, whenever Gohan, his daughter Pan and Videl, they would came here just to ask Gogeta advises. Of course, they still go to Chi-Chi for cooking lessons but everyone is coming to our house to see Gogeta for men advises. Whereas, when someone come to see me, it's mostly to tease me or ask me how I feel. It's weird ! Gogeta's supposed to be the mother here. I mean, he DOES have such a big chest and ass- While I have nothing. Just those earrings. I don't know what to think anymore. I'll keep writing here if I ever need to say something.

Page 5 : Another day


i again my dearest diary ! Okay so .. I have some free time again for myself. You see, something crazy happened to me yesterday ! I went out to buy ice cream for Gotenks but midway I forget what I was doing out. Then I remembered that I forgot to turn off the oven. So I immediately rushed back home but of course, Gogeta was already in the kitchen, his arms crossed and he looked pissed. Oh boy, I thought I was going to die. But then he told me to be careful with the fork in the microwave. I put a fork in the microwave ? I'm so stupid ! I don't even know why I did that ! I was so embarrassed .. hopefully Gogeta was here ! Or else the house would have blown up. I'm so dumb and clumsy I swear. I'm wondering how Gogeta still loves me. Talking about this, we had sex like, 2 days ago. I was still on top of course, but he was not moaning as much as he used to when we first did it. Is he getting tired of me ? Oh .. that's a bad sign. I hope I'm wrong. Anyway I should probably get going, I'll come write again soon !

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