Chapter 4 : "goku and vegeta"

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Goku pov :

I was at my house with chichi , i was thinking about Vegeta and how rude he can be sometimes then chichi came toward me.

Bitch named Chi-Chi ^^ - hey Goku can you go out a little please?

I didn't know why but i wanted to know why she wanted me outside so i smile at her and i pretend that I'm going to the city but for telling the trust,  i'm going to watch her.

*- Twenty minutes later -*

I was about to open the door when chi-chi came toward me and i knew exactly what she was going to ask so i hide a smile and i turn my head to her way.

Bitch named Chi-Chi ^^ - where are you going?

K - i'm going to the city... i told you early so why you're asking me this ?

Bitch named Chi-Chi ^^ - F-For nothing ! Now you can go ! Bye sweetie !

She smile at me and i walk toward the door to open it and walk outside. She close the door behind me and i knew she was watching me leaving so i pretend that i was taking the normal way to go to the city and when she finally stopped watching me , I lower my ki and i hide under the window so she will not know that i'm here. I then heard chi-chi talking to someone and she was definitely planning something.. 

Bitch names Chi-Chi ^^ - Hello ???? ! You can come now he's gone for about 4 hours!

???? - Finally ! I'm coming my dear~ be ready when i arrived~

Bitch named Chi-Chi ^^ - Oh~ don't worry ! 

She hung up and i start crying a little ... 'she's cheating on me... and she broke my heart with a random guy ...' I though before i saw a weird guy standing in front of my house so i knew it was probably the guy from the phone . I heard Chi-chi opening the door ,letting him inside,  then they go to her room. I suddenly feel broken, emotional.. . I get up from the ground and i broke the door before walking toward the room.

K - chi-chi~... come here...

Bitch named Chi-Chi ^^ - o-oh g-goku!

I walk toward her room and open the door to see her and the guy having sex, i crossed my arm and i smile at them.

Bitch named Chi-Chi ^^ - i-i can explain!

K - no need~ i divorced you, i take goten and the money that satan give me now bye bitch! Hope you'll enjoy your new husband !

I packed my things and fly toward bulma's house , where Goten and of course Vegeta were.

Vegeta pov :

I was training in the gravity room then i heard bulma talking to someone. I put my head on the door and i listen to the conversation.

Bulma - hey goku what's up?

K - Hey Bulma ... can i stay over please with goten?

After that i don't clearly hear what they were saying but i think she said yes. After training for a while now i stop and I start looking for kakarot. I see him outside and i suddenly froze, i got in front of him and i notice that he becomes emotional.

V - hey idiot what happen?

K - why do you care?

V - just tell me!

K - no 'cause you will laugh and because you don't have to know my life.

V - if you want me to said something like your situation i divorced bulma but she let me live with her. 

K - really ? wow ! Why did you two divorced ? Because you love someone else?

V - your turn...

K - chichi was cheating on me that's why i'm here... i didn't want to stay in the same house since she's still there ...

i was shock then i walk toward him and hug him .I heard him cry and he slowly put his head on my right shoulder.

V - shhh it's ok you will find someone else and better..

he then look at me , with more emotion  and he actually looked so cute...

K - thanks Bejita !

I blush but i strangely wanted to kiss him ... I knew it was to early to do that so i gave up and suddenly Goten, Gotenks , trunks and bra came toward us.

YT- can we go see Vegito and Gogeta? Please !!

YG - Yes i hope they finish what they do last night

Bra - you were here..

G - i'm always right~ but i just knew what they were doing~

 V- what did they do?

G - they had some 'fun'

Me and Kakarot became red but then i hear Kakarot laughing nervously, he was clearly embarrassed like me but i didn't show it.

V - yes we are going to see them...

everyone was happy even Gotenks who laugh and we both followed behind Him.

Gogeta pov :

I wake up and i yawn, last night was perfect with Vegito and apparently Vegito liked it too because he was still blushing. I blush too when i remember how i take him but i got interrupt when Vegito wake up.

Goji - good morning

Beji - hey what's up

Goji - well want to eat?

He nod and we went out of the bed for clothes. I open the door of my room and i heard a knock on the door so i walk toward it , opened it and i see Goku(Kakarot),Vegeta ,Gotenks,Bra,Goten and trunks.

G - well well well Dad~ how are you today? Last night was fun?

V - sorry if we're disturbing something but the children wanted to see you

I sigh and i let them enter the house. They sat on the couch and they quickly fall asleep which was funny because they stayed like this for like two hours and left .Gotenks laughed and he want to his room while Vegito was sleeping in my arms who were wrapped around his waist.

Alright it's a little short but i hope you enjoy that part bye !!!

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