Chapter 11 : What a night ! (Lemon)

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Bardock pov :

B - YEEEESSSSSSSS I've won !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you loose again

T- Oh shut up...

B - Oh come on... you know he say that just for laughing...

T - Still ! I still loose against YOU !!! I hate that game !!

B - You're very unlucky today... that's all... you didn't have to SHOUT at me just for that... you know i'm not deaf...

T - Sorry...

V - Okay ! Enought with that ! can we play Fortnite now ?

Goji - I HATE THAT GAME !!!! SO NO !!!!

K - Really ? You hate that, that much ?

Goji - YESS !!

K - Okay... so what abou-


K - Again ?! Oh hell No ! finish with that crap !

B - What..? No !

T - Whatever you say ,we will play Mario party 10.

Goji - ... Really ? What will mario say if he know that...

V - He's not real you know ?

Goji - Yeah but Bardock and Turles are not too that's mean.

V - I never say that !

Goji - Yes you did !

V - NO!

B - I think we should go out ... right ..?

T - Yep...

we sigh and we walk outside the house. When we were outside , we laught and we start walking toward a parc. Turles sat against a tree and me i was still up and i was watching the sky.

Goji - Vegito ? Are you alright? I mean you didn't even talk !

Beji - Hmm? Oh yeah I'm fine I was just thinking about The kids.

Goji - Oh yeah ! I totally forget them ! I think they're living with Gohan or Bulma because of Goku and Vegeta who I think Vegeta kick them out.

Beji - You're right Gogeta... I think we should at least tell them where we're living.

Goji - Yep.

Turles pov :


T - Why... just tonight! Please !

B - ... just for tonight BUT not another night ! I still want to feel my legs !

T - Fine , whatever.... 'What a tsundere...' 

I laugh and I smirk at him and he blush. We were in our boxer so I only undress his boxer and he turn his head.

T - I don't even touch you and you're already hard... I didn't know you like me that much Bardock~

B - Shut up...

I laugh again and without warning him a take him in my mouth. He gasp and he moan my name.

B - D-Damn... You c-could h-have warn m-me !! *moan*

I smirk and got faster then I insert two fingers inside of him. He gripped into the sheet and he blush more, he even groan.

B - I'm.. a-about to c-u- ahhhhhhhh

He then came all into my mouth. I swallow everything and I insert a third finger and he shout in pain.

T - Oh sorry did I went to far ?

B - B-Bastard ! That's hurt!

T - Calm down...

I kiss him on the lips and i get out my fingers , he groan and I smirk. I insert in him and he cry in pain. He wrapped his arms around my neck and he rest his head into my shoulder. I think he's out of breath. I then start moving slowly, he moan my name and he tell me to go faster and harder.

T - Wow you really want me to that aren't you ?~

B - S-Shut up and h-hurry...*moan*

T - Fine my little Angel.

B - I-I'm not your A-An- AHHHHH !!!

T - Keep moaning ! You're my bitch now!

B - D-Damn... I s-still want to w-walk !

T - Whatever you say ~ I don't care ~

B -...

I went faster and harder each time he was saying my name and I kiss him everywhere, bite him for saying he's mine and only mine, then he couldn't take it anymore so he cum and I soon fellow him.


B - S-Stop s-Shouting i-nto my ears... you're gonna wake up Vegito and Gogeta...

T - Say the one who scream my name ~

B - W-Whatever -! Go to sleep now ! I'm tired !

T - You're still mean... I can't believe it...

B - Hah ! You have to deal with my character!

T - Pff I don't care about that~ all I care is you my Angel~


T - You're cute when you're mad.

B - B-Bullshit, c-can we go to sleep now...?

T - Yeah I'm tired... *yawn*

I take the sheet and cover us. I wrapped my arms around his waist and his arms were around my neck. We sleep like this and whatever our friends are gonna say about us they have to deal with it...

Ennnddd... so... I didn't have any idea for this chapter because I didn't know how I was going to make a Bardock x Turles x) I hope you still like it !

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