Chapter 14 : Craziness!

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Bardock pov :

B - Come on ! Admit that you loved last time !

Goji - W-What are you talking about ?!

B - When you kiss Vegito!

Goji - *blush* O-Of course I liked it ! He's my boyfriend so why wouldn't I like it ?!

B - I don't know~ tell me because when you missed him it seems that you didn't like the kiss...

Goji - You're wrong !

B - Fine fine! Don't yell at me !!!!!!!!

Goji - Well if you want me to stop yelling at you , you should also stop !

Every single day now me and Gogeta are always fighting...I don't really know why but I'm getting tired of that crap and I sometimes want to to break his neck

B - I have enough ! Could you for once stop ! You are the one who always start the fight ! And of course when there's our friends you put everything on me ! That's it ! I'm not going to talk back to you until you apologize ! And I also don't want to see your face again !

I groan a little and I quickly teleport away. Not in my house but more far away. I've been Gogeta's friend for like, I don't remember but still, it hurt when we fight ya know ? I'm his friend. 'He can just tell me what's wrong' I sigh and I fly away. Actually I knew where I went ... because it's been a while since I last saw them, my great teammates

Gogeta pov :

Goji - I-I did nothing! I-I s-swear !

Vegito and the other were back and ... I think they saw everything. Why are we fighting ?! I know it's because of me and my character!

Beji - W-What exactly happen..? And tell the trust !

Goji - ... W-We fight again and it was about last time ... when i kissed you ... he's not jealous ! But because of my answers and my character ... he leave and he say that he didn't want to see my face ever again ...

K - Father ? Saying this ? Good joke! Now bring him back !

Nothing. I didn't know what to do. For the first time, Goku doesn't believe me...what's happening ?! Are they event's happen because of me ?! I hope not ...

Goji - I can't. And I can't located him...

K - ... I'm tired of your lie ! Tell the trust for once !

G - Yo Goku, calm down ! Gogeta ... go and find Bardock! Bring Vegito with you.

I look at Kakarot who was trying to break free from Gotenks' arms. Vegeta and our friends join him and then I leave with Vegito. We fly away toward where we though that he would be but nothing. Not a sound. I hope that he's safe..

Bardock pov :

B - Hello ? Is anyone here ?

I open the door of the house but when I look around, the place seemed abandoned... I wonder where they went, I mean ... they're like a family to me, even if they are stupid sometimes. they can't have left me behind right?

B - I know someone's here, I hear footsteps ... so show yourself -!

I crossed my arms and looked around me...nothing and of course , no one. I though i heard footsteps but no. I think i'm becoming crazy ... not because of my friends but because of this house. It bring bad memories about my old life and ...  more

B - Huh .. guess no one's he-

I didn't have the time to finish my sentence that I fell on the ground. I saw nobody in front of me or even behind me. I didn't know i could fall like that and i didn't even push myself. I got up from the ground and i walk slowly toward the door. I try to open it and you might not believe me if i say that it didn't want to open. I punch it but nothinghappened. I went to a window and try to break it but same thing , it didn't want to break. 

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