Chapter 8 : He's back....

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Vegito pov:

I wake up in my bed and i see nobody around. I stand up and i walk toward the door but before i grabbed it , Gogeta open it with a smile on his face. I walk toward the kitchen and i saw Gotenks , waiting for me to cook. I laugh because gotenks was getting annoyed. I then stop laughing and i cook for him , after i finish making breakfast , i want outside without Gogeta and for once he didn't fellow me. I want into the forest and i sit on the ground. I soon fall asleep but when i wake up i wasn't in the forest and i wasn't to Gogeta's house. I was tied to a wall and of course i try to escape but i fail. I shouted for Gogeta and the others to come get me but then i suddenly stop because i was feeling a powerful ki getting closer to me so i prefer shut my mouth and i want back to sleep, hoping it's just a dream...

Gogeta pov:

I run everywhere with Gotenks and the others but they didn't find him... I shouted his name and we all start to cry even Vegeta. Then Trunks came toward us.

FT - Guys ! i think i know where he is !

I run toward him and he show us where he could be.

Goji- The future ?

FT - I think but why would he wants there ?

We all start thinking of why he wants there but then Goku shake a little.

K - i...i think i know.. where h-he is...

We all look at him then Vegeta look at his face and he said

V - No...

Goji - Can someone tell me what's the problem ?

V - Well... do you know Zamasu ?

I shook my head and i remember that Vegito tell me about him.

Goji- Yeah why ?

K - Well.. Zamasu take him there and we have nothing to help us to go there..

Goji - Where is the temporary thing ?

Trunks didn't understand at the first time but then he laugh nervously.

FT - Well... I kinda forgot it there...

I was felling with rage but then Whis and Beerus came toward us.

W - Hello everyone ! We are here for the Food that Bulma make !

I was thinking about about how to get to the future but then i remember that Whis can go to the Future so i run toward him.

Goji - Can you teleport us to the Future please !

Beerus laugh and Whis was upset. 

Beerus- And why would i do that ?

Goji- Vegito is there ans he is with Zamasu....

Whis sight and suddenly we were already to the future. I thanks Whis and Lord Beerus and they disappeared.

FT - First let's go to my house

We fellow him behind but can't stop about Vegito and Zamasu... then Vegeta turn around to face me.

V- Hey relax he'll be fine...

I sight and we walk inside trunk's house.

Vegito pov:

I shouted for someone, i was crying but then the strange ki walk toward me again and it was the no of.. Zamasu...? I was shock did he wants to kill me for revenge ? When he reach me ,he punch me in the face.
- Well well well who we have here...~

I tried to kick him but then he kissed me on the lips.

- Don't worry you will remember nothing about that damn Gogeta and his friends~

Then the room start to get dark , He was erasing my memories , i cry loudly and before everythings was erase i whispered three last words.

Beji - I...Love..y-you....G...Go-ge...ta

I then fall in the darkness and the last thing i heard was Zamasu laughing evilly.

Gogeta pov:

We finally finish the plan but then we all felt a ki who was raising quickly. 

Goji - IT'S VEGITO'S KI !!

We then run toward his falling ki but when we get to the place, it was dark... really dark... i walk in the dark first but then i hit a wall. We heard a laugh and then nothing. It was quiet and the laugh suddenly stop. Then the room start to light and we saw a shadow.

K - Who are you and where is my friend Vegito ??

He then suddenly laugh.

??? - Oh so you are his friend... You kinda looks like a friend of mine... maybe i should bring him back...

We do not understand what he meant by that but then he suddenly grabbed Goku by the neck and he shredded him with a purple blade and he fall on the ground. Vegeta shouted his lover name but when he wanted to run toward the shadow to punch him , the shadow has disappeared with Goku. Vegeta fall on the ground crying.

FT - Don't worry we will find them...

Me and Vegeta were upset but we said nothing about it. We were just hoping that they were fine....

Zamasu Pov:

I finally have Goku and My "love". And when i fusion with my other me i didn't realized that Black was gonna miss me so that's why i take Goku, it's for Black but it's gonna be Goku's darkness. I laugh evilly again and i start To transform Goku To his Darkness side. When i finish him l wake him up , i train him a little and we were ready for the fight (i let my love tied to a wall he is more powerful than everyone even ZEN'Ô with his darkness side)

Vegeta and Gogeta pov :

We follow our son's then we all felt a dark ki coming toward us. We step back for fight them , we were all ready for the last fight for our boyfriend and we wanted To kiss them but when they finally reach us we suddenly start To punch.

Third person pov:

Vegeta run toward the First shadow and punch it but it dodge his punch and return it. When the shadow disappeared everyone froze... it was Goku. Vegeta cry.

V - WHY ?!

The other shadow show himself and it was of course Zamasu.

-After Fighting for four hours (yeah 😅)-

Goku fall on the ground defeat and Vegeta run toward him and kiss him To try To have back the real Goku. After that Goku was back, Zamasu was alone.

Goji - You loose Zamasu so give me back my Vegito !


The warriors felt a powerful dark energy coming toward them but before they could do something Vegito hit them all and he transform To his Ssj form.


Gogeta shouted but nothing happen and Vegito keep hurting Gotenks and The others.

Sorry for not uptating but here is it i hope you like it bye !

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