Chapter 13 : BROLY + Tournament of pôwer !

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Alright so I'm going to say this quickly. This is going to be a little like the movie '^^ BUT since i don't remember the movie i do what i want xD and for tournament of power, there's not going to have the same people ;-; and that's not going to be the same universe who's going to be erase first... I can't tell what's going to happend ;') I hope you'll enjoy !

On planet Vegeta (Past)

Third pov :

T - It's you but when you were little ! *laugh*

B - That's not funny Turles... I mean me when i was little i was a lot stronger than that !

R (Raditz) - He is my brother ...?

B - Yup ! And his name is Kakarot.

R - Ohh! He's so small !

T - Like you when you were born Raditz ...

R - I was not THAT small Dad !

T - Of course you were.

R - Whatever...

B - I'm sure he will become stronger ... more stronger than the son of Vegeta !

T - You don't know that

B - Maybe i don't know what will happen in the future but ... i know that he'll surpass him

R - Dad ? I heard there's already three child who's stronger than him...

B & T - WHAT ?!

R - Well ... Yeah ... I met their parents last time and they said that their child were already strong !

B - ...

KV - Oi Bardock and his family ! You both need to leave now ! I heard King cold was going to come here with his son so you better leave now. Plus King cold give you a mission Bardock so leave.

B - Yeah yeah i know ... Let's go

They leave the room and King Vegeta walk toward his son. He smile and he then look at Kakarot and then at Paragus' Son.

KV - Who's that ??

?? - Well ... It's Paragus Son ... His name is Broly.

KV - Why did you put him here ?! He's not even strong !

?? - Well... Paragus beg us to put him here and we accept...

KV - Well tell Paragus that his son he's not admit here so we will transfer him to another planet !


Kv - Why not ? You're not allowed here ! So if you want , we can transfer you with your son. So ? You want to stay here and let your son leave or do you want to leave with Him ? Your choice.

P - ... I leave with Broly ...

KV - Good choice. Prepared a capsule for them !

?? - Yes sir !

Paragus take Broly in his arms and they both leave outside. Paragus then see Bardock and he run toward him.

P - Bardock !

B - Paragus ? What are you doing here with your son ?

P - Well... they're going to transfer us somewhere else... Because we're not allowed here ... And you ? Where are you going ?

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