Chapter 17 : The Kiss

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Vegito pov :

Like every single day , I wake up, yeah , like always. It's normal to wake up, it's the day and not the night so it's very normal. But today however is not like the other. Why ? Because tonight I will spend the night at Gogeta's house. It's been ... I don't know how long it was when I last went to his house. I think it was like 4 months ? Whatever ... I get up from my bed and I finally open my eyes , to be honest, I don't really want to leave my bed, he's so comfy. I went to the bathroom and I took a quick shower. I then dressed up and I brushed my hair. I sigh and I put my gloves and boots before flying outside my house. I miss my 'imaginary' friends ... well how can't I ? I've been with them for like 4 years and now I woke up from this heaven ... I keep flying toward the city where Gogeta and Bulma were living and I kinda have a flashback of ... my dream ? It was when me and Gogeta were kissing , on a roof and under the black , dark sky ... Wait no ! Bulma told me to forget about this ! It's not real ! And ... it's never going to happen ... I want on the ground and I start to walk. I wasn't really paying attention to where I was going so I bumped onto someone. I quickly apologize and I help the person to stand up. When I look at them , I notice that it was a little boy and that he was holding a bunny plushy.

Beji - Hey little man .. are you lost ? And where are your parents ?

I ask as I sat in front of the child. As I except , the child didn't answer and I can tell that he is afraid.

Beji - Don't be afraid of me , I'm not going to hurt you.

?? - F-For real ..? Y-You are not going to hurt m-me mister ?

Beji - Of course not ! Why would I do that ? But can you tell me your name and where your parents are ?

BM - M-My name is BlaMar mister ... a-and I don't have parents ...

What ?? He don't have any parents ?! I am not going to ask him what happen to his family because he's young and he don't seems to remember something. Welp , I'm going to be a dad now.

Beji - Do you have someone who took care of you ? Like a sister ?

BM - What is a sister ? And ... Nobody is there for me. I just found this bunny plush on the ground but no one wanted it and everyone keep beating me up for nothing ...

Beji - What ?! Poor you ... would you like to be my child ? I mean , I'll be your new dad until I found a new family for you , you like that idea ?

The little boy nod and I smile , He's so cute ! But that's a shame that I have to give him to someone else ... I'm not ready to be a dad, and not even a mother , even though I am not a girl.

Beji - Wonderful ! Now come with me , I'm taking you to my house ! You will take a good shower and you will eat.

BlaMar nod and I carried him. Gosh if only Gogeta could do the same with me like in my dream ... wait stop ! I'm being a pervert ! I sigh and I fly back toward my house. When I arrived , I walk inside my house , then I walk toward the bathroom. I put BlaMar on the ground and I undress him. When I look at his body , there was scarfs everywhere and a lot of marks , I don't get why people abuse a little child, they are heartless. I help the boy to take his shower and I gave him some new clothes , and of course , they were too big for him. We both laugh at that and I gave him back his plushy , which make him smile.

Beji - Now fellow me , you need to eat. Also , of you see someone teleport in front of you or around you it's normal , it's my friend.

BM - Y-Your friend ? This stranger there is your friend mister ?

I turn around and I look at where BlaMar was pointing. I smile and I crossed my arms.

Beji - You could have warned me Goku , it's not nice to scare a little child like this.

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