Chapter 1 : 'Where i am ?'

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Vegito pov:

I was fighting Zamasu with my Super Saiyan Blue form. I was about to finish him off but somehow, I couldn't kill him. I noticed that he was smirking and before I could do something,  he punched me in the face, then my chest and finally my  knees, making me fall on the ground. After he punched me everywhere , I started losing my consciousness and I was slowly losing my SSB form, since my energy was raising down very fast. I tried getting up from the ground but couldn't, since I was losing all of my strength, so I fell back on the ground, unable to move. I looked up at the god and Zamasu was slowly walking toward me with a satisfied expression on his face. I closed my eyes, hoping that my death would be quick, but then, I felt someone's ki coming toward us. I was lost in my thought that I couldn't heard Zamasu screaming .. probably in pain I guess ? I thought the person that were coming over here was maybe just someone passing by, and wouldn't even try to help me. My thoughts were cut off when I felt carried by a mysterious man or woman, it was this special ki. I were put on the mysterious person's shoulder, still bleeding very badly, and almost dead. I looked around me a little and groaned. I quickly shook away from the person's grip, since I didn't really want to let someone take my prey, fell on the ground and tried to get up, but I then quickly fell on my knees,  in pain, as my vision suddenly went Black.

Gogeta pov:

I was thinking about what I was going to do when Gotenks, my son, was going to wake up. Then I got up from my couch, feeling a Ki who was raising very fast. It was raising very fast, like I said, so I quickly wrote a letter to explain to my son where I would be. I ran out of my house, flying to where the raising ki was. When I finally arrived to the place , I saw a body on the ground, bleeding very very badly. I then turn around to see who did that and when I clearly saw who it was, I laughed.

Goji - Oh my God ! You're ugly like hell! *laugh*


Goji - You. Are. Ugly~ Sorry to say that I do not have a mirror on me to show you the truth~

I said while laughing. This was really a funny situation I was in, the best part, is that he really is ugly. I mean, I don't say that people with different color skin are ugly, they are amazing just the way they are, but it's just that this man is half purple and green, just like goop coming out of him.

Z - You're going to die for what you say ! I'm the God of justice !

Goji - Yeah yeah. And me I'm the God of lies, now shut the f*ck up and be a good boy by letting me kill you right now.

I didn't left time to the "god" to start or finish his sentence that I charged toward him. I smirked as I went into my SSB form before punching him on his back then his head then everywhere I could before finish him off with my special attack. The strange man with the purple goop then disappeared and let nothing of himself behind him. I sigh and I went in my base form. I then took the mysterious bleeding body with me and I flew toward my house.

*- After they arrived at the house -*

Gogeta pov (Still):

I opened the door from my house, walked inside of it and close the door behind me. I then heard a sound coming from the stairs, from toward me so I sigh and I waited a bit before laughing a bit.

Goji - Who is there? Show yourself now! Or I'm going to call the cops ! *laugh*

I saw Gotenks running toward me, with a cow-boy hat on his head and a fake gun. He pointed it at me and laughed. 

G - Sorry dad ! l just wanted To scared you so I was running very fast ! Sorry ..

Goji - it's alright, I'm not mad, just don't do it again in front of me ! I knew it was you but really, if you want to scare me, don't walk in front of me

G - Alright daddy ! Also, I read your message. I thought you would come back later so I didn't try to cook. But .. who is this man ?

Goji - Well, I found him bleeding on the ground, so will you help me take care of him?

G - Yay! I will help don't worry! The great Gotenks is here to help you daddy !

Goji - I knew you were going to help me, but first, let's put him in my bed, alright ?

G - Yes dad!

We walked towards my room. Gotenks opened the door for me and I thanked him, going inside of my room and put the stranger in my bed. I took off his blue top gi and his orange shirt, I looked at him and I saw how hard he was injured. I looked at my son and told him to go to the bathroom for some bandage for the stranger. He left the room and I turned my head To see how  cute the stranger was ... wait what? I don't even know him ! Well, whatever, after a while gotenks came back and has the bandages with him. I thanked him again and put them on the stranger who were still bleeding very badly. After I put the bandages on him, where his injuries were, I got up from the bed, took the dirty clothes of the stranger and left the room to let him rest.

Vegito pov:

Everything feels weird around me ... Am I dead ? Am I at my house ? Am I in a dream ? Or a nightmare ? Is Zamasu still alive ? 

I don't remember what happened .. I just remember that Zamasu and I were fighting ... Until ...

Beji - Ahhhhh  ! No no no ! D-Do not kill me ! I'll do anything !

I screamed as I quickly got up, sweating. I was crying a little from my sudden nightmare, but I quickly stop and looked around me. I start shaking, I mean, who wouldn't ? I literally don't know where I am !  I was about to shout for help, but  I stopped myself when I heard the sound of footsteps coming toward me. I then saw the door, slowly opening up, and 2 figures getting closer to me. 

Goji - What happened ? Why were you screaming ?

Beji - F-First of all , Who are you and W-where i am ?! And why did you captured me ?!


Finally finish ! I hope you enjoy the first part bye !

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