Chapter 1

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This -> ( ) means they are talking in their head :)

A boy with blonde hair in a black sweater can be seen running along with a red haired girl in a white dress that's trying to catch up to him

"Come on! You need to catch up, the hill isn't too far from here!" The blonde haired boy said as he got closer to the hill

"Wait up, Uesugi!" She yelled. She was out of breath and was trying her hardest not to be left behind.

Although she was out of breath, she finally caught up to him

"Why are you so fast!" She said with a pout "Couldn't you have slowed down?"

"hehe I'm used to running, also do you still want to see the trick?" He said taking out the Katana from its holster.

"Yes, before that I want to tell you something" The girl told him

( I wonder what she wants to tell me?) He thought

( Maybe she's gonna ask us out?) Someone said

( We've only met her for a couple days, we shouldn't jump to conclusions) Another one had said

"I wanted to ask…you to wake up" She said as she looked directly at him.

"What?" The boy said confused

"Wake up Fuutarou"

The girl kept on saying it and her voice started to change.

Fuutarou's vision had went dark and he started to open his eyes

"Wake up Fuutarou!"


"You're gonna be late for school!" A short, long black haired girl yelled. It was his little sister, Raiha

"Raiha…why did you wake me up from the best part of my dream…?" Fuutarou told her

"Dream? About what?" She asked. As she tilted her head to the side a bit. "It was about…never mind." He told her. Fuutarou had moved his blanket to the side and started to get up.

( That was a good call, she probably would've teased us)

( Raiha isn't like that, Kazetaro)

“Well, Dad said he got you a job” She said as she sat on his bed.

“A job? What am I supposed to do?” Fuutarou asked. As he started to stretch.

( Oooo what if he signed us up for competitive sports!) Kazetaro said excitedly

( I don't think dad will do that)

( Don't be such a downer Kintarou) Kazetaro had said to Kintarou. ( Can you guys shut up? I'm trying to hear what Raiha was saying) Fuutarou asked the two.

“Can you repeat what you said, Raiha?” He asked his little sister

She had just looked at him and let out a sigh “ I’ll call you later instead, you're gonna be late for school”

“Huh?” He looked at the clock in his room and it said 8:10. In a hurry he started to get all of his things. “Bye Raiha!”

The school day had started relatively well, with it being the same as it usually was. But now it was time to decide whether he wanted to save his money or to spend it on a meal. It was lunch time.

“What would you like to get?” The worker had asked him.

( The Plain rice set is 200yen…is that really the cheapest meal?) Fuutarou had wondered. He was hungry since he ended up skipping lunch the other day.

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