A day off

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It was Sunday, Fuutarou's first day off from work. He woke up around 7 so he can get at least some hours of studying in. He had turned on the radio while he studied. “It's Sunday, September 30th! Today the firework Festival is held, don't miss it!” The reporter said.

(oooo! The firework Festival, we should go see it with Raiha!) Kintarou told the others. He wanted to spend some time with Raiha. (It does sound pretty cool) Kazetaro said,

(Well, I don't want to go with no money, so if we have any left over we could try to go.) Fuutarou told them. They knew he was right, it would be a bad idea to go without any money. (Alright, that sounds fine.)

Fuutarou had continued to study.

“I don't think this formula is in the text books, I should teach them this” He said, reviewing a book. Fuutarou glanced over at a different sheet of paper and picked it up. “If I can explain this in a simple way, Yotsuba for sure can understand it.”

He saw a history review sheet that had questions about the Sengoku era. “And Miku would like these questions” He said with a small smile.

(Those girls are really on your mind huh?) Kazetaro said with a smirk. “It's my day off! Why am I still thinking about them!” He said out loud.

(But that's a good thing, It just shows that you're a good tutor who cares for his students!) Kintarou told him. “Yeah! I'm just being a good Tutor!” He said as he pumped his hands in the air

(Eh, just don't get attracted to them.)

“I know.”

Raiha had entered his room, half awake. “Fuutarou, Why are you yelling so early in the morning?”

“Sorry! Also, in a couple hours we're gonna go see mom.” He told her. “Alright..” She responded, still half-awake. She left the room

(Luckily Raiha didn't tell us off…) Kintarou said. (If only Fuutarou wasn't so loud, he wouldn’t had woken up Raiha)

(It was an accident) Fuutarou had gone back to studying.
-A couple hours later-

It's currently 11AM, and Fuutarou had finished studying, and went to tell Raiha to get ready, so they can meet their mother. They had finished getting ready.

Fuutarou is wearing a black T-shirt alongside some black jeans. While Raiha had put on some overalls with a striped shirt

“I'm going to make something to eat before we leave” She told him as she started to head towards the kitchen. But Fuutarou stopped her. “Don't worry about that, I have some money”

“We're gonna eat out today?” She asked. “Yeah, I found some Yen while I was coming home yesterday, I have 7k total.” He replied to her. ( And Dad gave us some too)

“Alright then, let's go!” Raiha said happily. They had walked out the door

“Where are we going first?” Raiha asked her older brother. “We're gonna go eat first, then, visit Mom and If you want we can go to the park afterwards.”


Fuutarou and Raiha had started walking, looking for a place to eat. Fuutarou had seen a restaurant called "The Revival" which had just opened up.

“Let's go eat there.” He said pointing at the restaurant “It's a new restaurant too.” They went inside of it

“Wow! It looks nice here!” She said as she looked around. “Yeah, it looks really fancy here” (Hopefully the food isn't too expensive…)

(Hopefully it's good!) Kazetaro said as he drooled a bit. (All that matters is seeing Raiha happy!)
They ordered their food and ate it. They paid the bill and left the restaurant.

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