Chapter 3

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"That Symbol…"

His confused expression turned into a pissed off one. Since that symbol brought back an old memory from long a ago

Fuutarou was watching as an older looking man in a white and blue kataginu with the same exact symbol in the front was arguing with a blonde haired boy.

"What do you mean you can't help ###! Doesn’t #### matter to you?!" He yelled "You don't understand boy! The moment ### left with ### was the exact moment she meant nothing to me."

"Just…Just because of that she doesn't mean anything to you?! You fucking bastard! You can let go of your stupid fucking reasoning?!"

They had continued arguing until the boy had left the room they were in.

That day, was the day he hated that symbol

The Symbol of the Takeda. The one symbol he hated.

Fuutarou had gotten out of his thoughts and Miku had rushed to get her phone. "You didn't see that, right?" She said with an intimidating tone.

Fuutarou just turned his head. "Tch, I don't care anymore."

"Eh? I-Is something wrong?" She was confused as to why he was acting like that, since she wasn't expecting that reaction from him just seeing her phone.

"Look, I'm gonna go, we can talk another day." He said in a somewhat mad tone. (Fuu…you need to be nice to her, we can't hold that grudge forever) Kintarou told them.

(Tch…You need to quit being Nice Kintarou. You may not hold a grudge against him, but we do.) Kazetaro said.

He was gonna walk out of the rooftop but decided not to. (Look, let's just switch Fuutarou. This could be progress for you and your tutoring job.) Kintarou said.


They swapped

Kintarou had turned around and faced her as he let out a sigh. "Look, I'm sorry you had to see that."


Kintarou noticed she didn't say anything. Although he didn't want to talk about a certain subject, but it would probably make her feel comfortable, so he decided to ask. "That's the Takeda Shingen symbol, right?"


"Well…judging by the fact you have that Symbol. You must either like the Tekada clan or You like the Sengoku era?" He told her. "Y-Yes…" she responded

"I-I see…Why do you like them anyways?" He asked her. Miku paused for a bit. "I-Its because of a game Yotsuba had lent me a while back. It instantly got my attention."

Kintarou didn't say anything

"I-If you don't want to talk anymore it's fine…" She said, "O-Oh..I just didn't know what to say haha.." he said as he laughed awkwardly.

"Y-You think I'm weird huh…?" She said in a depressed tone. "Eh? Why would I think that? You're just following the things you like." He said with a smile

Miku was surprised. She hadn't expected him to say that about what she liked. It reminded her of a boy she met when she was younger.

"Why would you care about how others feel towards the things you like? Their opinion shouldn't matter." He said with a smile.

"I-Its..W-Well.." Miku was cut off by the boy ruffling her hair. "Just do what you want Miku, don't let anyone hold you back"



She was snapped out of her thoughts as she saw Kintarou stand up.

"Well, we should probably be going then." He told her. Miku just nodded

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