Nightmare/ Act2

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"Where...Where am I?" Fuutarou said as he looked around. There was nothing but snow, he looked in the distance and saw a cabin. He was surrounded by nothing but trees, almost as he was in the middle of nowhere

"Don't you mean where are We?" Someone said, Fuutarou turned around and saw Kazetaro and Kintarou. "Hi Fuutarou!" Kintarou said, in a joyful tone as he waved his hand

Fuutarou had just stared at them. "Why are you just staring at us?" Kazetaro asked. "This feels weird..." he replied

"Yeah we never had a dream like this." Kintarou said as he looked around. "Not that Kintarou, all three of us are our own separate person. We aren't linked together with Fuutarou."

"That's what feels weird...we've never experienced this before." Fuutarou said. "If this is a dream, doesn't that mean we could do whatever we want?" Kazetaro asked

"I think?" Kintarou responded. Kazetaro tried to wish himself some food but nothing came. "This dream sucks," he said, as he kicked some snow.

"The hell are we even at?" Fuutarou wondered, as he continued to look around. "I...I think I know what this place is." Kintarou said. "If I remember correctly, one of the club leaders was talking about a place like this before."

"Huh? What are you talking about?" Kazetaro said. He was confused by what Kintarou was trying to tell them."This is the place where our school trip is going to take place. The only thing is, they had mentioned there were ski lifts since that was one of the activities on one of the days."

"And if you look ahead, there's one right here" Kintarou said, pointing to the ski lift.

"This is too weird, Takebayashi ends up telling us something is going to happen during the school trip." He said, looking around the place.

"Now we end up having this dream, with Kintarou saying this might be the place it's held at." Fuutarou told them. He was freaked out and confused, why did these events have to occur at the same time?

"You...You don't think it's trying to tell us something, right?" Kazetaro said. After what Fuutarou had just said, it started to freak him out. "Lets just look around, if it is trying to tell us something. We could try to avoid it or something." Kintarou responded, trying to unnerved them.

The three of them started to wander around, they went to the cabin that's was nearby. The small cabin was huge inside, it had a Hallway that led to different rooms.

They looked in each of the rooms but all they had in them was 4 beds in each one with a window outside. After they looked in the rooms, feeling creeped out, they ended up leaving the cabin.

"That was uh weird..." Fuutarou told them, as they started to walk back to their original spot. "It sure was, that small cabin had more than 7 rooms!" Kazetaro said

"Yeah...Nothing was in them either. It's like they were em-" Kintarou was cut off by the sound of a man screaming.


All of them didn't say a thing, the scream died down as fast as it was heard.

"Ha...that wasn't real...right?" Fuutarou asked, with an uneasy smile. "Ha, you're scared!" Kazetaro replied as his body shook. He was trying his hardest to remain calm.

"The scream came from the woods.." Kintarou said, as sweat fell from his forehead. Out of the 3 of them, he was the most calm.

"Do..." Kintarou had Serious expression on his face. "Do you think we should go and check it out?"

"NO!" Kazetaro and Fuutarou yelled at the sametime. "Look, that's enough for this "Dream" but we should probably wake up instead."

"But how will we wake up?" Kintarou asked. "Easy!" Kazetaro said. He turned to Fuutarou, and started to shake him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2023 ⏰

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