Chapter 2

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Well, he was gonna open the door but Kintarou stopped him (Wait! You should knock before you just open the door, Fuutarou)

(Oh yeah, you're right) He knocked on the door

" I'll get it! "

The door had opened and Yotsuba was in front of him "Hel- Uesugi-san? What are you doing here?"

"Well, do you remember when I said your Tutor will be late? I was talking about me since I was gonna help out at a club before coming here."

"Oh!" Her green ribbon pointed upwards. "You're the tutor dad hired then!" She said cheerfully.

(Hey, she really does remind me of you Kintarou) Fuutarou said. Fuutarou nodded his head to answer what Yotsuba said.

(She does?)

"Well, come on inside then." She said as she opened the door wider

Fuutarou had followed her inside the place.

"Wow, this is such a nice place." He commented. He looked around the place, it was way bigger than his house by a lot. "So, who else am I gonna teach? I already know that I'm gonna teach Itsuki but who else?" He asked, as he looked at Yotsuba

"Me and my sisters." She replied. "Ah, so the three of you guys then?"

"O-Oh no the five of us, didn't father tell you?" She said, "F-Five of you guys?" Something clicked in Fuutarou's head, if she said the "Five of us'' that means all five of them are identical!

(E-Eh? Five of us?) Kintarou said, confused.

(Well, I wish you the best of Luck Fuutarou) Kazetaro told him.

A short haired girl with Butterfly ribbons in a P.E uniform had walked out of the Kitchen

"Eh? Yotsuba, who was at the door?" The girl asked, as she looked at Yotsuba. Completely not acknowledging Fuutarou. "It's the tutor dad hired." She replied, pointing to him.

"You didn't let him in, right?" She asked. Yotsuba had let out a small laugh "ahaha…"

Fuutarou was just standing right besides Yotsuba silent. The girl just squinted at him, then proceeded to head back into the kitchen


(Weird, it seems like she wasn't able to see us?) Kazetaro told them.

(Yeah, you think she has eyesight problems?) Fuutarou wondered. (Probably) Kazetaro responded

"D-Don't mind Nino. Let's just go get the others then." Fuutarou and Yotsuba went up the stairs

"Okay! So from here we have Itsuki, Me, Miku, Nino and lastly Ichika" Yotsuba said, as she started to lead him down the rooms

(Well, we do know that Itsuki and Yotsuba will study.) Kintarou told them. (Not so sure about the others.) Kazetaro said.

"Since you already know Itsuki. She's most definitely gonna say yes." She said, as she moved to the side. Fuutarou had knocked on her door.

"Hello?" She saw Fuutarou and Yotsuba at the door. "What are you doing here Uesugi-kun?"

"I'm the Tutor your father hired." He replied

"Y-You are?!" She was surprised to hear that. "Well, are you gonna come down for the lessons?"

"Yes, just let me get my things first" She closed her door to her room.

"That was a success!" Yotsuba said cheerfully. "Now onto Miku, she's the smartest out of us, so she would like you."


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