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Trying this type of writing format, if I suck, It's my skill issue 💀


Going back with Kazetaro, he had just made it to the bottom of the stairs. "And we finally reached the bottom," He said, panting slightly. He had just taken Miku up the stairs while she was on his back, and he had to go back down without resting.

"Fuutarou, take over for me" He said out loud
(Wait wha-?) he said, swapping with Kazetaro
Fuutarou instantly felt how tired Kazetaro was and nearly collapsed on the ground.

"W-What the hell?! I feel like my entire body is going to explode!" He said, with his hands on his knees. He decided to sit on the step of the stairs.
(Hahaha, I can't believe you almost fell down) Kazetaro said

(That was mean, Kazetaro. You knew that would've happened if you swapped to Fuutarou.) Kintarou told him. (I can't tell if you're trying to defend me, or make fun of me...) Fuutarou replied

(Hahaha, maybe a little bit of both) Kazetaro said in between laughs. (Ugh...let's just go and find the others) Fuutarou said. he didn't want to continue the conversation since it wasn't gonna lead anywhere but an argument.

(Hold up, let's go get something to eat first.) Kazetaro said, before he swapped, he already wanted to eat something. (We have to find the others fir-) As he said that, his stomach rumbled.

(It seems like we should find something to eat) Kintarou said

(Yeah! Not anything sweet though.) Kazetaro told him

Fuutarou had stood up. "Hopefully we'll find them while we're getting food"

He started to walk around, looking for something all of them would agree to eating. Kintarou told them that anything was fine, it was just up to Fuutarou and Kazetaro to decide.

Fuutarou had walked around for at least a minute or two till Kintarou started a conversation.

(Hey, it's a good thing that Miku still considers us friends, right?) Kintarou said, trying to start a conversation. He usually would try to start one since he didn't like the silence between them.

(Yeah, I couldn't imagine how I would befriend her again...) Fuutarou said, thinking of how he would befriend her again

(Hey! It worked out in the end!) Kazetaro told them (Thank the heavens for that.) Fuutarou said, as he rolled his eyes

(He's right though, plus, Kazetaro was spot on with what he said. All of us felt like she had really changed from our first encounter.) Kintarou said with a smile (...I guess) Fuutarou replied

(If we really were spot on, what do you think made her have no confidence?) Kazetaro questioned. (You think it had something to do with her old school? Maybe that was why they ended up transferring?) Fuutarou replied

(I don't think that's the reason, if it was only her. Why would the rest transfer over?) Kintarou asked (...I don't think we should try and pry into their private lives, we're only just their tutor) Fuutarou responded.

(We're not only their Tutor Fuutarou...They consider us friends. You were just happy earlier that she still considered us friends, and Kazetaro told the girls that came up to us the same thing.) Kintarou said sincerely.

(Fuutarou is somewhat right, we are their tutor, and we barely even know them well enough.) Kazetaro said

(Wouldn't it be better to understand our Student and Friend, by figuring out what causes them to feel this way? We should try and find out more about the rest too!) Kintarou said. he really wanted to find out more about the girls, and try to help out Miku.

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