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eddie woke up to the sound of running water and the smell of coffee. it was delightful, something he definitely wouldn't take for granted.

and then when the memories from the night before began to flood in, he couldn't help but grin. he covered his face with the comforter, nuzzling his face into the soft cover. it smelled like steve. it smelled like home.

eddie shut his eyes, focusing on his breathing. his heart was beating quickly just by the scent of the blanket he had slept under and of the boy he was cuddling just before. eddie heard the door begin to open, slowly pulling the covers away from his face.

"good morning, baby." steve grinned at eddie, walking over to the slightly older male.

eddie blushed at the pet name with a smile. eddie felt fuzzy when he heard the pet names. "what time is it?"

"about eight thirty." steve sat beside eddie, his legs off the edge. eddie tried sitting up, but only felt shooting pains down his spine and ass. he hissed, grabbing at steve's arm. steve chuckles. "in pain?"

"no fucking shit." eddie squinted his eyes, letting himself adjust to the position he was sitting in.

"i can carry you to the bathroom if you'd like me to." steve smiled at eddie. he only wanted to help and care for eddie after going so hard on eddie last night. even though the metalhead said it was okay, it didn't make steve want to care for eddie any less.

eddie sighed softly in defeat. "yeah, alright."

steve got up, grabbing eddie under the armpits with one arm, the other one sliding under his knees. he carried eddie bridal style to the bathroom. eddie looked around the bathroom once they were there. the bath was full of bubbles, candles surrounding the spacious bath. there were two mugs of coffee sitting on a table that clipped on the side of the bath. in between the mugs was an ashtray and a pack of cigarettes.

"you're such a fucking romantic it makes me sick." eddie rolled his eyes playfully, looking at steve who had a worried look on his face. "i'm joking, harrington."

steve slowly smiled, nodding his head. "yeah, right. sarcasm detector sucks unless i'm speaking with a sarcastic tone."

"i've noticed." eddie laughed as steve sat him in the hot bath. he did feel a bit uncomfortable at first because of the burning from his ass. it wasn't the most pleasant feeling, but he eased into it. before eddie knew it, steve had taken off his sweatpants and gotten in the bath behind him. eddie relaxed back onto steve's chest. the younger male's legs were on each side of eddie.

"light me one, will ya?" eddie looked up at steve, pecking his neck softly.

steve put a cigarette in his mouth and lit it, handing it to eddie after he took a drag. steve lit one for himself, his freehand that wasn't holding the cigarette went down to eddie's waist. he was rubbing it soothingly.

eddie took a long drag from the cig, talking as the smoke pushed out of his mouth. "yesterday you mentioned something about dating."

steve was wanting to talk about this exact thing. "that's actually what i was about to bring up." he kissed eddie's cheek softly before putting his cigarette between his lips.

"are we? i'd love to, but i don't want to push anything onto you that quickly-"

steve almost choked on his cigarette when eddie said the last part. "eddie, i took care of you in the hospital relentlessly. i told you stories and talked to you like i had no one else to talk to. i told you some of my secrets." he looked down at the boy who was already looking at him. he looked into eddie's eyes. "i loved you before i even knew i did. i mean, i was obsessed-" he let out a chuckle.

after it all - steddieWhere stories live. Discover now