Chapter 18

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I would like to thank everyone for the sweet messages from my last announcement/update. It means the world to me. Thank y'all for the patience and encouragement. It's been a difficult couple of months, but I've finally been able to get back into writing some. 

This chapter is short, especially compared to some of the other ones I've published. But at least it's something. I'm so sorry for keeping y'all waiting! But seriously, y'all are the best. <3


  I stayed in the guest bedroom of Ira Milton's home for an unknown amount of time. Between hearing what happened to Hannah and Jake rushing out the room, shock kept me still for a long time. My phone kept pinging with messages I assume being sent in the Duskwood group chat, but I didn't open any of them.

  Any time I attempted to reach for my phone to read them, my breath lodged in my throat and was unable to move, let alone process whatever conversation was currently happening.

  Finally, the door to the bedroom opens and Jake walks back in. A look of surprise flashes in his eyes at the sight of me. I suppose he was not expecting me to be in the near exact position I was when he left.

  He quickly deposits his phone on the bed and lowers himself to sit back on the ground next to me. Neither of us say anything for a good minute or two. Jake runs his hands through his thick, tousled hair as he brings one of his knees to his chest. I can feel him looking at me, but I'm having trouble meeting his gaze.

  The weight of the situation has officially become too much to handle, and I know that if I were to open my mouth and voice any thoughts I have, I'd break down into hysterics. So, I don't say anything.

It is far easier to bottle everything inside right now than lose the last little shred of sanity that I have.

  Jake senses this, I think, and I am grateful that he hasn't said anything about the situation, even if it is a bit selfish. Instead, he simply places his hand on top of mine. The gesture means more than anything he could say in this moment.

  Before I know it, the prickling sensation of unshed tears registers in my mind. Jake gently squeezes my hand, reassuring me of his presence.

  It becomes painful holding back the tears.

"Jake," I whisper, hoarse from trying to swallow the emotion. He wraps his arm around my shoulders, and I let my head fall to his shoulder. In one swift movement, Jake maneuvers us so he can hold me closer.

  Tilting my head, I sneak a glance at him, not wanting to linger as I know it will only make holding myself together that much harder. But one glance was enough.

  The single tear rolling down Jake's cheek is enough to make me lose my composure. In an act of desperation, I bury my head into his chest, my hold on his arms so tight I wouldn't be surprised if it was hurting him.

  The barrier of Jake's chest does little to muffle my cries. It's as if someone turned on a faucet in my eyes, a nonstop stream of steady tears.

  In between cries, I am able to get out quiet words that I'm not sure Jake can even hear.

I just want to go home.

  I voice the thought that's been haunting my mind for the past few days, feeling guilty as ever. I promised Jake that I would go anywhere with him, but the severity of the situations weighs on me so heavily. I love Jake. I love him more than anyone. But I can't handle being on the run like this, especially while everyone in Duskwood is suffering.

  But going back to Duskwood would only put everyone else in danger. How do we calculate the risks? It seems like everyone is falling apart and I don't know if it would be worse to leave them alone or not.

"Flora, I believe everything will start to settle very soon," Jake says quietly. He strokes through my hair, playing with the ends of the strands somewhat before bringing his hand back to my head. "At least, with my pursuers, it should."

  I raise my head slightly. We still have not gotten around to talking about his and Ira's conversation earlier. He pushes my head back to his chest softly and resumes playing with my hair. I wait for him to continue, too tired to speak.

"Of course, we cannot leave just yet, but within the next few days it should be safe enough to travel. I've started preparing for the journey to Duskwood already." Wrapping my arms around his torse, I hug Jake tight, grateful, and relieved at his words.


The two days that we had to wait were filled with a highly concentrated Jake and an extremely tense Ira, as well as myself feeling anxious but relieved to finally be heading back to Duskwood. Jake asked me not to say anything about it in the group until he could ensure our safety. We were lucky to not have run into any other technical issues with his pursuers while staying with Ira. She truly has almost disappeared off the face of the Earth in the eyes of the FBI.

  Jake has confided some of our travel plans to me, helping to calm my nerves about putting the others in a dangerous situation. We will not be staying at the motel or any of the group's residences. Jake was able to find a one-bedroom apartment available specifically for tourists.

  The availability of it seems a bit suspicious to me, but Jake has assured me several times it is as safe as we could hope for. His reassurances don't do very much to calm my anxious mind. It seems like the most obvious place for us to stay at: right on the outskirts of Duskwood.

  In a matter of hours, we will be leaving for Duskwood. I'm not sure how far away we are exactly, but Jake has explained we will be breaking up the journey and taking longer routes just in case someone picks up on what we're doing.

"But how would anyone find out about our travel plans?" I ask him, worry rising up in me once again. "Are we not the only ones who know of this plan?"

"Flora," Jake says tenderly. "I do not think you realize just how easy it is for someone to track us. 

I give him a pointed look. "Right, easy." He simply shakes his head, a light smile on his face. The expression lifts my spirits more than I'd felt in a long time. And for the first time since Jake told me we would be traveling back to Duskwood, I feel at ease. His faint smile is comforting in a way I can't decipher. 

  Before leaving the house of Ira Milton, who so graciously offered her help and service, we enjoy a final, small meal with her.

"Are you sure you don't want any extra help reaching your destination?" She asks, directing her question towards Jake, though she seems to already know the answer. Throughout our stay, Ira and I did not interact very much. She's a nice enough lady, and it was very kind of her to help hide us in her home, but there wasn't much to talk about between us. At least, nothing that I wanted to talk about.

  If we weren't eating together, Ira mostly kept to herself. I assumed she'd been helping to fine-tune the plan to get Jake's pursuers off our backs. But before we leave, I do make sure to thank her profusely. She didn't have to help us, and the gesture certainly won't be forgotten by either Jake or me. 

  With our final goodbyes having been said, Jake and I climb into the car parked behind the house. I place our bags on the floor in front of me before buckling in. The journey is going to take at least three days, even though we could drive straight through in one night. 

  Jake looks over to me, a soft and understanding look in his eyes. I smile in return, squeezing his hand lightly before he shifts the car into gear. Even with this new calm feeling I've felt about going to Duskwood, the worry that we are making the wrong decision hasn't completely gone away. I only hope that the plan Jake has been working on has no way of being tracked whatsoever.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2022 ⏰

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