Chapter 15

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  There was a time when I never worried about being careful in everyday things. I didn't have a reason to. And I honestly didn't think I ever would. But life can change in an instant. And now I worry even just to cross the street.

  I sometimes think back on the decisions I've made that led me to where I am now. Usually, it's about my family or my job, but lately it's been Jake and Duskwood.

  How crazy and coincidental it was that I was brought into all this. It all happened at a time where I felt lost. I had gotten unfairly fired from my job and was overwhelmed with a fear of losing everything.

  Looking back, I realize I hadn't even come close to losing everything. But fear makes us think irrational things.

  I made new friends out of this, that I know will last a lifetime. Jessy will always be my best friend. And I'll never love anyone the way I love Jake.

  I wish circumstances that led to these relationships were different, though. I wish we didn't have to deal with the aftermath of these events – that Jessy could sleep peacefully, Cleo wasn't withdrawn and quiet, and Jake didn't carry the guilt he does.

  I wish Jake and I didn't have to worry even when doing the most mundane things. Perhaps I am more anxious than Jake, however.

Considering the fact that I'm nervous to even take a shower, in fear that Jake's pursuers found us, I'd say I'm definitely more anxious than him.

  Actually, Jake seems almost comfortable being on the run. I suppose living like this for four years is the reason.

  Right now, Jake is busy preparing for our next journey. We've spent the past two days in this motel, and it's time to find a new place to go.

Hopefully we can find somewhere that'll allow us to stay more than a couple days.

  While Jake works, I pack up our belongings. Thankfully, I was able to wash our clothes in the motel lobby. It doesn't take but a few minutes to get the entire room picked up and our things packed. We aren't leaving for a while, but I figured it would be better to be ready now.

  I watch Jake work at the desk – he's been on his phone and laptop for over an hour. I don't know how he isn't exhausted. He's consistently been going to sleep after me and waking up well before me. I'd be surprised if he slept more than two hours each night.

"Jake," I say, breaking his attention from the laptop. "Are you hungry?"

He shakes his head and turns back around. It's been a few hours since we've eaten though, so I get up and pull our leftovers out from the small fridge in the room.

"Well, you should eat a little something at least." I place the food by him, but he doesn't even look at it. "Jake," I whine.

"I am sorry, Flora," he says as he closes the laptop. "I needed to get everything done. Thank you for the food."

  Finally, he eats.

Now if I could just get him to sleep.

  He needs it. I can see it in the dark circles under his eyes. But I know that sleep is not anywhere near being on his mind, let alone a priority.

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