Chapter 8

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Okay, so I obviously don't know how the FBI does interrogations... but I'm doing my best to make it somewhat interesting! I'm working on the next couple chapters right now, and I think it will get better. Also, next chapter will have more Duskwood characters. This one is really just Flora.


  I wake up in a dark room. It is cold and I am alone. I had gone with the two FBI agents that showed up at the motel. Two days I have been here – wherever here is. I know I am at least an hour outside of Duskwood, but it's possible I am even further out.

  I had unknowingly fallen asleep in the car with the FBI. When I woke up, my phone was gone – something about security reasons.

  For two days I have been interrogated about Jake – his location, his last name, his hometown, anything, and everything. But I don't know any major details like that. Jake was always very cryptic, even though he trusted me. I know he lives in a city and has black hair. I don't have any idea what his last name is. He might've even changed it when he went into hiding four years ago.

  One agent showed me a picture of a man. His hair black, eyes gray. He looked to be about 26. Half of his face was covered by a black jacket. But the parts of him I could see were striking. It was clear he is a very attractive man. And it was obvious who that man was.

  Besides the fact that the only person I know that is wanted by the government is Jake, when I looked at the picture of him, a sense of familiarity and comfort washed over me. He looks exactly how I imagined he would. The image gave me butterflies. It was nice to finally put a face to his name. Well, half a face anyway.

  The question I kept being hounded with was whether I had seen him before. But I hadn't. Not until they showed me the picture at least. I don't know what information they are trying to get out of me. I don't know anything about him that would help, and even if I did, they have to know I wouldn't tell them.

  The interrogation started out fairly mild. But after several hours, things started getting more intense. The temperature of the room changed, going from comfortable to sweltering – and when that didn't work, from hot to freezing. The frequency of the agent coming in, whom I have learned is Director David Lansing, changed. Sometimes he sat with me for an hour interrogating me, sometimes he would leave me alone for two hours. He went from talking normally to shouting, nearly screaming at me, invading my personal space. It was like he was trying every interrogation tactic in the book.

  How any of this was legal, I had no idea. I wasn't a criminal!

Well, maybe a slight criminal. I did help Jake hack into Hannah's phone and cloud.

  It all became very exhausting. Director Lansing was playing with my sanity. I've already been on the verge of losing it for the past month, and this was just pushing me too close to the edge. There was nothing I knew that could possibly help them find Jake.

  I hug my knees to my chest and cry. It was all just too much. I'd been alone for a while now, the only thing keeping me company is the ticking clock on the wall. I am freezing, hungry, and exhausted. I am tired of being stuck here. I just want to be home, in my own bed, with no one chasing after anyone.

Is that really too much to ask?

  Suddenly, everything clicked. Lansing knew I have no valuable information to give. I look in the corners of the room and my suspicion is confirmed. Cameras.

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