Chapter 16

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Hi everyone! I just want to apologize for the delayed updates recently. My life has been a chaotic mess as of late, and I just have not been able to catch a break. Luckily, the school term just ended, and I have about a week before the next one starts, so hopefully I can get some writing done.

Thank y'all for your patience and kind words regarding my story. It really makes pressing on so much easier! Much love <3 

Warning: somewhat of an emotional and angsty chapter ahead!


  After a long and tiring few hours of driving, Jake pulls over to a semi-deserted fuel station and rest stop. He pulls his hood up and places a black mask over the lower half of his face before getting out the car to refill it. I don't know where we are exactly – I'd been asleep for nearly an hour, and I haven't recognized any of the cities we've passed. If I had to guess, we're probably about six hours from my home.

  It feels weird being out here, in an unknown area, on the run from threatening people I'd never even met. It's unnerving and scary. But I have been able to experience a glimpse of Jake's past firsthand. I still don't know how he's lived like this for four years.

Before long, Jake gets back into the car. "It will not be much longer, Flora," Jake informs me before starting the car back up. "Our next stop is in the town over."

  While this information should be relieving, it does not make me feel that way at all. My spine straightens almost instinctively, as if we were approaching something dangerous. A weird feeling pricks my senses, but I suppress it for now.

  Jake knows what he's doing. There's no need to worry so much.

  The thought does little to reassure me, but I try to not let it show. I know Jake is still carrying the guilt of me being in the midst of this, and he might always have that – no matter how many times I tell him not to. I don't want to add any reason for him to blame himself more than he already does.

"Would it be alright if I text Jessy an update?" I ask Jake. It's not like I need permission – he's told me I could message her already. But I feel it necessary to double check that I wouldn't be compromising us by doing so.

Jake nods. "Yes. But keep it vague." I fish my phone out from my hoodie pocket and write to Jessy.

F: Jessy! Update: Jake and I are doing fine. Still hiding but wanted to update you. <3

  Almost immediately Jessy comes online, and the little bubbles appear indicating her responding.

J: Thank you SO much for the update, Flora! I've been so worried, but I wasn't sure if I should message you!!

  Her message puts a smile on my face, but it quickly fades thinking about everyone in Duskwood. The last I'd heard from Jessy is that things were not going very well. A sense of longing hits me hard, but I hide it.

  Despite my best efforts, Jake glances at me questioningly. It's as if he can sense something is off – or maybe I'm just not as good at hiding my emotions as I thought.

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