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Robert Baratheon lost his hand, Lord Jon Arryn in king's landing so he needed a new hand but Robert had more ideas that came to mind. He has too many daughters, and the realm needs a king and he does not want to give the crown to his brothers. So Robert got into his head as he saw that the north is the best thing to ask for. 

By taking Eddard's oldest son to marry Amelia Baratheon but really she is a Lannister. It was a great offer to make, Robert and the court came to the north for that reason and that he needed someone inside the king's landing that he could trust. But things to do go as planned. Robert with his court packed up things that they needed for the trip to the north. It took a month to arrive in the north, so the starks had time to prepare for the arrival of the king and court. And when Robert came inside the castle of the Stark home all bowed down towards Robert. Old friends embraced each other after a few years apart. 

 Robert then embraced Catelyn after that he went down the line of Eddard's sons. Getting to know the children of Eddard Stark. Getting a real good look at Robb, seeing that he will be a good king with his " Daughter" being the queen of the seven kingdoms. Finishing greeted Eddard and his family, Robert went to the crypt to see Lyanna Stark wanting her to be with him. However Robert moved on walking through the halls of the crypts he popped up the question for Ned, to be the hand of the king. Ned was honored for Robert choosing him as the hand. When Ned took the offer on being the hand of the king, Robert also bought up another offer for their houses to join together. By marrying his oldest daughter to Eddard's oldest son. Robert said that Robb will be the next king and that the princess Amelia will be the queen. 

Ned became worried that Robert would pick Robb as the next king and marry his daughter. Because everyone knows that King's Landing is a rat's nest. Later that night all were enjoying the feast that was planned for the king and queen and to support the joining of Eddard Stark as the new hand of the king. And that houses were joining together. Amelia was not pleased with it, she told her mother about her feelings, Cersei shared her daughter's distaste for what was happening. Cersei told her daughter to wait for the fight. Where their time will come and the Lannisters will rule, no one else.

Few of the princesses knew the truth of who their parents really are and they are okay with it. Being in the north for a few days came to an end and all were heading back to king's landing. Eddard and Robb had everything ready for their journey to king's landing. Catylyn stood and watched as her husband and first born son left, having a feeling that they would not come back. 

Arriving in king's landing was a huge change for Robb because that is a new place for him. Being in the north all of his life going to be the lord of the north and now he will be the king of the seven kingdoms. Wondering if he could do the job as the king, Eddard and Robb were shown their rooms of the palace, the section of the hand of the king. Eddard was called for the meeting as the new hand of the king. Since Eddard was the new hand, a party was being held as the new hand by Robert's orders. But it will cause money to pull this off, this is where Ned found out that the crown owns a lot of money. And that the king has not come to any small council over the years. Not taking the role of the king in a serious matter as one should. 

Eddard went on working on matters of the hand of the king. Where the tournament was being planned on the outside of king's landing. Robb met up with his father for this tournament, taking their seats near the king and queen in the royal box. The turner was bloody and madness making Robert flip out and Cersei leaving.

The next few days in king's landing Eddard was doing his job as the hand. But in those days Eddard was finding out some things that did not add up. He started to question the royal children. By the help of Littlefinger, and using his own knowledge, but also he was taking a look at the death of Jon Arryn and how he died. He wanted to know the truth, he needed to know.

Inside the king's landing Eddard Stark with Robb were in the king's landing since Ned was the hand of the king and Robb was learning to be king with his wife to be Princess Amelia Baratheon. This is where Eddard found out the truth about the royal children who do not belong to Robert but they belong to Jaime Lannister. 

Ned spoke the truth of the births of the princesses to Cersei and that she should run because he was speaking the truth Robert and Ned being Ned did not want the children to be killed in Robert's rage. But Cersei would not listen to Eddard Stark. . At first she needed to get rid of Robert because he is a drunk fool. She wants to be free of him so she planned his death in the king's wood where he was drunk while hunting for a boar.

But as a result the boar injured him badly, making the king die from hunting. Cersei pushes her oldest daughter to the throne, making her queen. The first queen to solely sit on the throne in her own right. But Ned being Ned ordered the arrest of the queen and her children but Cersei already paid off her own men where Eddard was arrested along with Robb put into different cells of king's landing.

 Where Cersei with her people within the court made it look like that Eddard was trying to take the throne from the rightful rulers. But Varys convinced him to pledge his loyalty to the crown, being a traitor to the realm where he and his son can go to the wall joining the night's watch as it was in the past.. To bend the knee to the Lannisters for his son to live but he did that but Amelia took back her word and beheaded Eddard Stark and Robb Stark in king's landing which sparked the war of the kings. Cersei tried to stop her daughter from making the choice but Amelia did not take her mother's words.

Back in the north and not just the north but all of the seven kingdoms heard the wrongful deaths of Eddard Stark and Robb Stark, Catelyn Stark, The lady of winterfell heart broke by losing her husband and first born son. Since the death of Eddard and Robb the north looked for a new change. The next child of Eddard and Catelyn Stark, second born son Edrick broke himself off from the other kingdoms, making the north an independent kingdom as it once was. That the north will go head to head with the Lannisters, and that is the thing about Edrick, he had a better mind of warfare than his older brother. 

He knows how to hold back his emotions during matters. He is very smart when it comes to warfare, he knows how to strike the enemy. And each northern house followed his lead as they made him the king of the north, where Edrick knew what is important to the cause they are facing. Every king needs a Queen, Edrick knew that he needed to make alliances and it could not hurt to have more men to defeat the men of the Lannisters. 

Edrick will be the one to break the knees of the Lannisters. And will be known as Edrick the Bold the king of the north.

With the actions Edrick was making there were others, Renly Barattheon and Stannis Baratheon jumped into the fighting for the iron throne. And the greyjoys saw their chance and started the attack on the north and the houses of the north. But Edrick saw that happening so he planned a defense center on the border of the north.

Where he placed soldiers ready for the greyjoys and the north destroyed the greyjoys. The greyjoys fled back to their ships and went back to the iron island. So he could focus on fighting the Lannisters and anyone that is against the north. 

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