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" I am sorry my lord, the Tyrells will not answer any of our ravens and by the looks of it have fled to the North. My guess is that maybe to join their houses since Lord Renly Baratheon passed away some time ago and Lady Margaery Tyrell is looking for a husband." Lord Varys spoke.

The Tyrell's came to a stop in the courtyard of the inside of the home showing Lady Margaery Tyrell with her Brother Ser Loras Tyrell and the Queen of thorns Lady Olenna Tyrell.

 Edrick came down the stairs ready to greet the newcomers that came to the north.

" Lady Tyrell, what do I have the honor of seeing you here in the north'. Edrick said to Lady Olenna Tyrell.

" Let us talk and you will find out when I speak the words." Olenna said

Both Edrick and Olenna left the court heading inside the castle going to the office of the king, Edrick's where they can have a discussion between each other.


" We have to suspect that Lady Olenna Tyrell will marry her granddaughter to Edrick, making her the Queen of the North. And pretty sure knows how convincing Lady Margaery Tyrell is, and will look at the direction of the iron throne. With every victory he wins, other noble houses are joining his side. It is just a matter of time for us to lose the alliances we have made with the princesses' marriages will fail." Lord Varys said

" I am sorry my lord, I know that you wanted to use the Tyrell for their gold and the plans of having lady Margaery Tyrell to marry your son, Ser Jaime but sadly what was planned did not work." Lord Varys said again. 

" This boy...I have nothing to say, just utterly speechless."

Tywin took a pause before speaking

" Is there any news about my son, any word of Jaime?" Tywin asked

" No my lord. No word yet." Lord Varys said

" Keep looking."

" Yes my lord"

Tywin left the room, he needed time to think about things. As he was thinking things were working in the north. Edrick agreed on taking Margaery Tyrell as his wife. Where she became the Queen of the North. Where Ser Loras Tyrell stayed in the North for a time, until he went back to Highgarden with his grandmother. Olenna knew that Margaery will be fine, hell great in the north. She was not among the Lannisters.

The wedding between Margaery Tyrell and Edrick Stark was Stark strong, there was a great feast that was being held, and Edrick had a crown made for Margaery since now she is the Queen. And a Queen needs a crown. 

Edrick spread the word that he married and found his Queen to each house, the north was growing in power at the king's landing. Since Edrick killed Stannis, and for littlefinger being the pawn of Princess Davina Baratheon he was later killed by beheading like he was nothing. And where Edrick had won multiple houses of the riverlands, to the westerlands. It was a working process for Edrick but he kept a cool head on his shoulders during this all.

Amelia was kept updated on what was happening with King Edrick Stark and how much damage was being done and she wanted something to be done. But Tywin had to make sure that Amelia needed to be controlled on this matter.


Queen Margaery Tyrell of the North

Queen Margaery Tyrell of the North

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