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Edrick with his mother were in the camp site going over the battle plans against the lannisters. Unlike Robb,  Edrick knew what had to be done to win this war that the princess had started by killing his father and older brother in king's landing. Having all of the northern houses backing Edrick during the whole thing, has thousands of men fighting to make the north an independent kingdom once again. There was one thing that he knew what needed to be done, he needed more men for the wars to come, to make sure that the North lasts. What differed him from Robb was that Edrick will kill every single Lannister boy and or girl, because he knows the price when it comes to fighting in a war.

But also Edrick is much smarter than Robb could have ever been, Edrick saw the growing attention between the things in king's landing and the Baratheon brothers trying to get to the iron throne. And Edrick will not risk the men he has to fight the Baratheons during this war, he only wants one thing, to make sure that the Lannisters are gone from the seven kingdoms. But not only the growing attention of king's landing and families against families Edrick had distrust in one house that is pledged to the north. House Bolton. Edrick could not bring himself to trust a single word that Roose Bolton says. For Edrick, he was looking for the right time to end the Bolton line but not yet. House Bolton has the number of men and that can be useful during this war.

So Edrick will keep house Bolton close to him until the time comes. Battle after battle the Starks were winning against the Lannisters. Where Edrick was able to get the kingslayer Ser Jaime Lannister. Word got around about the taking of Jaime Lannister, getting back to Tywin Lannister and his army.

Back in king's landing Princess Amelia now passed as the Queen of the Seven kingdoms. The first sole Queen to sit on the iron throne. The teen girl was controlling each kingdom, not fully aware of the damage caused with the north. Where Amelia is a spoiled brat not caring about anything that is coming her way. Where her "grandfather" Tywin Lannister was at his camp site working on this madness between each noble house. Trying to figure out how to fix this major issue also Tywin was looking for a husband for his granddaughter with the knowledge of Cersei.

" The Stark are proving to be harder than we thought." A Lannister spoke out in the room full of Lannister men.

" This boy is becoming more painful then once thought he would be. He is smarter than Robb Stark, I will give him that." Tywin said, taking a seat in his chair of his tent.

An Lannister soldier came inside the tent with grave news that Jaime Lannister had been taken by the Stark army. It was the worst fear for Tywin Lannister.  

" They have my son!" Tywin yelled out smashing the cups on the table. Looking over at the table he looked at his youngest son, Tyrion Lannister, the disappointment of the Lannister family started to speak to him.

" I will stay with the army moving back to Harrenhal where you will go to King's landing to advise the Queen as you will be the hand in my stead." Tywin Lannister spoke

" Why me?" Tyrion asking confused

" Because you are my son" Tywin said as he left the tent. 

In the fresh morning both armies were moving around, Edrick and his northern army moved to the riverlands where Edrick was looking for brides for his brothers, to strengthen his house against the Lannisters. He was having some help in that matter and was able to get Eyron a wife from the riverlands, from the house Blackwood. Where house Stark and Blackwood enjoy together, adding more men to his army for this fight.

The Lannister spies found out what Edrick was doing and Tywin was impressed by what Edrick was doing. Tywin needed to move faster, sealing off his granddaughter to be married because they are all at the right age.

" The king in the north is becoming quite the man, making a deal with the Blackwoods." Lord Kevan Lannister said to his brother.

" Yes. if we were not on the other side of things I might even praise him. Tywin Lannister said back to his brother.

" My lord! My lord!" a low ranking Lannister soldier came inside the room out of breath.

" What is it?" Tywin asked

" The Baratheon's, Stannis Baratheon has collected Renly's men and will be coming to king's landing in 2 days time."

Tywin was not liking this one bit, his heir was in the hands of the Starks and now Stannis Baratheon was getting closer to king's landing. Everything was falling apart for Tywin. 

Lady Blackwood, Princess of the North by marriage.

Lady Blackwood

Lady Blackwood

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