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King Edrick Stark and his wife the Queen Margaery Tyrell have passed from the world leaving four men that will carry on the Stark name. Not only Edrick and Margaery had left the world but the other starks did as well leaving it to their children to carry on in the North, the Vale, the Westerlands, everywhere in the seven kingdoms.

Where the children made each kingdoms better than ever for all, with a new way of leadership. The Starks are in charge of everything. Thorren Stark was crowned at 20 years when his parents passed, at the age 21 he married the lady of house Reed, the granddaughter of Lady Meera Reed. Where Thorren was going to keep the marriage inside the north and not outside of the north, he felt that it was the best choice to make. He only will trust the north and nothing else.

Eddard Stark the second born to Edrick was the spare to the northern throne until Thorren had a son of his own stayed by his brother's side helping run the north. Where Thorren Stark made Eddard the commander of his armies in case anything happened.

For Silas and Arthur stayed inside the north being about the royal court of their brother the king, where Thorrne made his own small council placing two of his brothers on the council.

In the Vale, Harlon Stark made everything possible for his children before he passed. Daeron, the first born son to Harlon took over the vale, became the head of the family. Dyanna Stark, the only girl of the family, had all of her brothers watching her every move. They are just protecting their sister among the world because they know how bad it can be. When Dyanna became the right age for marriage, Daeron was tasked with finding the right match for her. When word got out about Lady Dyanna Stark ready for marriage many lords of the Vale came to ask for her hand for marriage. But in the end it would be up to Daeron to choose the right match for his sister. When meeting with Dyanna, she found someone that was a good fit and Daeron could not agree more.

In the springtime of the Vale Lady Dyanna Stark was married to lord Ruthermont of the vale. House Ruthermont is a great and noble house. It was working out for Daeron and his house.

For Eyron Stark as he is the lord of the westerlands, and in control of Casterly Rock passed everything to his daughters. Leaving to his first born, Lady Aemma Stark and Lady Rhaenyra Stark stayed by her sister. Aemma was a true leader and many followed her into anything including Rhaenyra. These two girls were running the westerlands and doing a damn good job at it.

In King's landing the King was gone but his son was the new king, King Brandon I Stark of king's landing took things over in the capital. He became the head of the family with his brothers and his sister of the royal family. In the ever siart King Brandon was doing a great job, he remade things over again, building things better within king's landing. Making the water channels better and the stone work within the city better. Just making things better for all of the population of the city. Where no one went hungry for anything but he had a great hand on justice. Where the slight crime would get the hard punishment. Brandon had many things on his plate, which did not help when he had too many people asking permission for the princess, his sister, for marriage. The princess Lyanna Stark is a true beauty. Other than that King Brandon had a new and improved small council that helps him run things better. For the start his hand of King Brandon I is Lord Oakheart of the reach. His master of coin is Lord Moreland who is from the westerlands. The grand maester came from the citadel that was picked for the king.

The master of Laws was chosen by Brandon which he chose Lord Grandview to be the new master of Laws. The master of ships was chosen and is the Lord Buckler. The master of whispers was from inside king's landing and the lord commander of the king's guard is ser Hasty. Brandon also chose the right men to be a part of the king's guard.

Prince Bran Stark and his wife Princess Shireen Baratheon moved to the riverlands to their new home years ago in Harrenhal where they were able to fix the ruin of the castle to its former glory, maybe even better, but in the ways of the Starks before they passed leaving it to their two children. Lady Daella Stark is the first born child of Bran and Shireen but Lord Noah Stark will get the Harrenal because Daella told her parents before they passed that she doesn't want it. It is just Daella and Noah in the riverlands with one of the best castles of the seven kingdoms.

In the storm's end Prince Rickon Stark did great things being the lord of the storm's end for the time when he got it. When he married and became a father before he passed will forever be remembered as one of the best ship captains and fighter. Where his second and only son has the seat of Storm's end and being the head of the family, sometimes it is hard due to his older sister, Lyra so Luca, is trying to find someone to find a husband for her so she can leave Storm's end.

For Prince Harrold Stark before he passed, made things great for the twins. He single handedly got rid of anything Frey. Where no one will even remember the Frey's, that the frey's will disappear from history. And it worked. Before he passed Harrold did father three children with his wife, leaving everything to his son, Asher Stark.

But in a short time all of these houses will have to join together as the threat grows stronger and it will need to take everyone to fight and win the war that is coming. 

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