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In a new campsite Edrick was working on his next plan of attack against the lannisters. Since he took out Stannis Baratheon it was time for a pause in the attack, meaning to make small moves that can not be spotted out By Tywin Lannister. Edrick knew that there were spies out there watching his every move so he needed to make the right moves to mix up the Lannister spies. And So far it was working, because in one move Edrick was able to put the Lannisters in a trap as Tywin got from the reports that they are failing. And Tywin will not lose, at least without a fight.

So Tywin made the match with Princess Genevieve Baratheon with the house Butterwell that is the riverlands. It would work in the Tywin way because it would be better if each noble house of the riverlands were fighting each other. Then with the help of Kevan Lannister was able to seal a match for the princess Cora with house Lonmouth of the stormlands, leaving only Princess Davina Baratheon. Where the princess knows the truth that she is the daughter of Cersei and Jaime Lannister, where it made her sick to her very core. She hates it and she wants to fix that, she wants nothing to do with her family. Because she is overlooked among the girls, that she is different from everyone else,and she has a greater relationship with her uncle Tyrion Lannister than anyone else.

Adding the fact that she does not want to be sold off to any Lord because of a war that her older sister started. Davina could see that Amelia had no right to be the queen of her temper she has, that she does not deserve a thing. So from time to time Davina would leave king's landing to send messages to the north, the king of the north. Where she will tell him about the movements Amelia and or Tywin had planned. 

And no one knew how the Edrick could know how the northern  knew each and every move they made. Tywin figured out there was a traitor in the small circle, and he was going to get the traitor. Thinking fast Davina was able to move everything she had of the ways of speaking with Edrick and put the evidence on someone she distrust with everything she has, and that person was Littlefinger.

With all of the fighting among each houses, and the noble marriages happening all over the seven kingdoms, in the north, way up the north Jon Snow was apart of the night's watch as a full member where he was fighting dead men and trying to balance the line between the night's watch and the wildlings.  

Where Jon knew about the deaths of his " Father and brother" were he was stuck to choose between the night's watch or his family. He wanted to choose his family but his brothers of the night's watch came to change his mind. Where he did go back to the night's watch carrying on with his duty of being a member of the night's watch.

 One by one Edrick was carefully breaking each house of the westerlands, were he killed any one that chose to fight him but Edrick was able to turn the westerlands noble houses and changed the sides to the north, to Edrick side. Throwing Tywin in straight madness, someone as Edrick being a young man was bettering the old lion Tywin Lannister in everything.

Edrick was able to get to every house in the Westerlands then he had a choice to push on by heading to the Reach or go back to the north. He chose to head back to the north. Where his men can heal and to restock things needed, Edrick was buying his time on what to do next. When he was thinking some guests came to the north, Edrick took a look to see who was coming where he saw the banners of a flower. The tyrells have come to the north. 

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