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In King's landing Cersei was inside the room where the small council is being held along with Queen Amelia. When Tyrion Lannister came walking inside the room where Cersei looked at her little brother with disgust as he got closer to her. He gave a kiss to Amelia on her cheek as he took his seat.

" What are you doing here?" Cersei asked

" Oh, right. This is where the hand of the Queen should be."

" Father is the hand."

" Sorry, I forgot" Taking the letter out and handing it to Lord Varys as he read it all out, making Cersei pissed off. But they came to a somewhat of an understanding.

Tyrion made his way to the tower of the hand to start his work, as the new hand to sorry excuse for a queen. Where soon he found out about the attack that Stannist is planning and that Renly was killed by magic of the sorts, where Renly's men followed Stannis and they are planning the attack on king's landing.

Giving time for Tyrion to get the plans ready for the dependent attack that Stannis is going to make. The city went into a curfew that the gold cloaks pushed for the people of king's landing so the soldiers could be ready. Cersei was with her other daughters from time to time, for Amelia being the Queen and being the person she is, having a mother such as Cersei lannister. Amelia took upon herself to be in the fighting. When Cersei found out that her first born daughter was going to fight and that Tyrion was for it but in truth Tyrion could not care.

Cersei saw that it was Tyrion who was to blame for Amelia wanting to fight, anything that Tyrion did Cersei would blame him no matter what. However when the time came Amelia was going to fight Stannis Baratheon where it would become the Battle of the blackwater. 

In the north Edrick pulled his army back to watch the Lannisters and the Baratheon's fighting each other. When he got an idea in his mind, going back to the campsite he chose four men with him heading to dragonstone.

He and the men he chose took with him to Dragonstone to kill Stannis Baratheon, going to kill one head of this growing snake. Moving in the darkness of Dragonstone Edrick and his men went along the castle walls of Dragonstone getting to the room Stannis was not prepared for what would happen. It was Edrick that gave the death swing to Stannis Baratheon so ending him that Stannis could not make another move on king's landing. As A result of Stannis''s death the rest of the men made a choice to join Edrick adding even more men to his cause. Before leaving the castle of Dragonstone Ser Davos Seaworth came into the open holding the hand of Princess shireen Baratheon. Edrick looked at them both nodding his head to both of them heading back to the boats that they had heading back to the north.

In King's landing Tywin was back and took his seat back from his son Tyrion as the hand of the Queen. Hearing about the death of Stannis Baratheon and his men disappearing out of nowhere was some confusion. Many just thought that the men just went back to their houses but no. Inside the palace Tywin was holding a meeting where he heard that Edrick was the cause of the death of Stannis and he took his men joining the men to his own.

The first time in a long time Tywin became worried. Worried that Edrick was joining men to his cause and that his son was still in the hands of the Starks. And that Edrick was successful in marrying one of his brothers to a lady of house Blackwood and that the Princess Shireen Baratheon married Prince Brandon " Bran" Stark inside winterfell, the home of house stark. No one cared for her scared face, she is a breath of fresh air.

 Back in king's landing Tywin held a meeting on the princesses, his granddaughters on who can marry. Tywin was looking into houses that can be in the fold with the crown. Tywin made an offer to the Vale, lady lysa Arryn, when her only son to the princess Hera Baratheon to the heir of Robin Arryn. It was a good match, the other lords of the meeting saw it was a good idea for the crown.

 When Cersei heard about the marriage offer about her own daughter to Princess Hera she came furious about the whole thing but became very angry because Tyrion offered an idea to his father, Tywin, that the princess Mycrella should marry Prince Trystane of Dorne. Where the crown can bring the Dorishmen into the fold. 

Tywin saw that was the best idea he ever heard, that Dorne had one of the best fighters of the seven kingdoms. And anything that could help them against the north would be the best thing for them.

So it was done, Tywin signed it off, that the princess Myrcella Baratheon will marry Prince Trystane of Dorne. That type of news that came back to Cersei, she went on a rage terror around the red keep. She was already losing two of her daughters, she was not okay with it. 

So she had to watch them leave king's landing in tears and Cersei clenching her teeth in agony that she could not do a thing about it. Getting back inside the red keep, Cersei started to drink more than before. She had no one, missing two of her daughters and her first born daughter is not being the greatest leader where Amelia just wants to go things she wants where the kingdoms were being controlled by Cersei and Tywin behind the scenes.

 Leaving Tywin to choose husbands for Cora, Genevieve, and Davina but also a husband for Amelia. It was hard for Tywin because Cersei was fighting him on everything, all she wanted was her brother and her lover back in sight.

In a new campsite Edrick was working on his next plan of attack against the lannisters. 

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