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The Stark army and the Lannister Army come face to face at the trident. Looking at each other across the field, Tywin Lannister wearing his house's colors has a face of determination on ending the Starks once and for all. To put his family, house Lannister for the history books not the Starks. And this is where Tywin Lannister will fail.

Not knowing what is happening in king's landing at this very moment, how Princess Davina has been helping Edrick Stark from the very start of the war. And that she is ending her family, the members of her house because of the hate she has for them. Davina was able to kill her older sister inside the throne room where Cersei found Amelia's body bleeding out and her boy cold, rage filled Cersei as she held her first born child in her arms. The screams of Cersei could be heard throughout the red keep but this did not stop Davina at all.

Edrick with his army, which has the numbers against the Lannisters where the Lannisters lacked in that. Everyone on both sides were tired but they saw this as the end, a chance to finish off the Lannisters. For Tywin he was hoping that the husband's that were married to the princesses would help during this fight but no one showed up to help leaving Tywin Lannister alone with just his army.

Edrick took a breath, then looked left and right at his men before he drew his sword. The rest followed Edrick in pulling out their swords, Edrick waited for Tywin to make the first move. When he did, Edrick made the call, heading first into battle as his men followed.

The battle started. Edrick was able to kill many on horseback before getting off of his horse so he could fight on the ground. Moving threw every red colored soldiers cutting into them like nothing. The Northerns showed no mercy towards the Lannisters, all of them pushed the Lannister army back and back. And the ally's that chose to fight for the Lannisters, the Starks had the upper hand in this. The Starks are winning, the battle had men flying off of their horses, blood, and mud with men screaming in pain. Edrick was moving like the wind working his way to the man himself, Tywin Lannister. When he got him in his sights, Edrick and Tywin faced off in sword to sword combat. Able to disarm Tywin Lannister, the old lion and bring him to his knees before Edrick cut off Tywin Lannister head. Breaking the head of the Lannister was easy, and soon enough each and every Lannister men of the army were dead.

Edrick did lose a few men during the battle on the trident but it came at a great prize but however things were still not done. Edrick gave his men time to rest and collect the dead before he would move them out to king's landing to finish off all of the Lannisters.

When Edrick and his army reached king's landing, outside of the gates waiting for the doors to open up. Cersei was told about the army that came just outside the walls of king's landing. She did not want to believe it, that her father failed, that he was gone. As she walked to the look out towers of king's landing she looked at Edrick Stark wanting to go back in time where she could have killed every one of the Starks when she had the chance to do so. To her the Starks are the reason for her pain, the loss of her brother and lover, with her father and her first born daughter. That her other daughters have turned their backs on her.

' Hold the walls.Do not let them in" Cersei said

" Your grace, we do not have enough men." a soldier said

" Then find some, pull peasants if needed." Cersei said back clenching her teeth.

The soldier left. Davina appeared

" Mother?"

Cersei looked behind her and saw her daughter Davina.

" What is happening? Where is grandfather? Davina playing her part

" Not to worry, everything will be okay" Cersei said as she moved off from where they were. Cersei was going to take her daughters to safety inside the red keep but Davina could see what her mother was planning behind her eyes. Davina could see the fake within her mother's eyes. Before moving too far from the walls Davina took her chance and she hugged her mother before giving her mother, Cersei a smile then pushing her off of the towers of king's landing. Davina watched Cersei, her mother hit the ground hard but she was still alive.

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