Chapter 7: Awkward

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[Y/n pov]

I finally moved into the dorm with Lotte. Well Akko and Sucy were there too, but for some reason I only cared about Lotte, I guess she is kinda why I'm in this room in the first place.

After I moved in everything was going great untill night time. The main problem was that we only had three beds, I would sleep on the floor but ~equality.

Y/n: Sooooo. . . Akko are you gonna sleep on top bunk with Lotte or is Lotte going to the bottom?

Sucy: Why does one of them have to move?

Y/n: Well I guess you could move to one of their beds.

Sucy: WHAT? NO! I just mean sleep on the floor.

Y/n: But making the man sleep on the floor isn't very gender equality of you.

Lotte giggled a little

Akko: Well I'm not moving.

Sucy: Neither am I.

Lotte: Wel-

Akko: And neither is Lotte!

I looked at Lotte as she had a face of confusion, but also discontent. As if she wanted to speak up, but didn't wanna say anything that might make her friends upset.

Y/n: Well I'm not sleeping on the floor.

Akko: Well we aren't moving, hmph.

Y/n: Then what, am I supposed to stay with Lotte?

Akko and Sucy looked at each other with devilish smiles and replied "Sounds good." with a very evil tone.

Y/n: Fine!

I climbed the bed to the top bunk and in pure anger plopped myself next to Lotte. Then I rolled over to go to sleep, when I noticed I was very close to Lotte.

I turned bright red and quickly turned away. We both then shuffled to the opposites edges of the bed.

I tried to go to sleep but couldn't, I couldn't get over the fact I was in bed with LOTTE! So with my mind racing I barely got any sleep all night. Luckily thanks to the transfer we have a few days off, so atleast I don't have lessons.

I finally fall asleep after hours, though it didn't matter since I was tired all day the following day. But to my surprise Lotte was too!

Does that mean she didn't sleep either?

After a few more days of sleeping alongside Lotte, well more of laying next to Lotte since neither of us could get sleep Lotte had an idea.

Lotte: H-hey Y-Y/n. . .

Y/n:Yeah Lotte?

Lotte was blushing a lot when she started talking again and was stuttering horribly. Probably from embarrassment.

Lotte:S-s-so w-wi-with the wh-o-o-

I couldn't understand her with all the stuttering so I put my hands on her shoulders to calm her down.

She looked at me confused, then I stated "Lotte. Just take your time you can tell me whatever."

I gave her a reassuring smile and she took a deep breathe and returned the smile.

Lotte: Ok. . .

She looks me dead in the eyes, and says "We should sleep together like we are dating." as emotionless as Sucy would've.

I could feel the blood rushing to my face as I turned bright red. But thats not the only place blood rushed to.

Y/n: A-are you saying we should h-have ummm. . .

Lotte turned just as red as she realized what she said, and what I was thinking about.


We both look down in pure embarrassment, when Lotte mumbles something I can't quite make out.

Y/n: Hmm? What did you say?

Lotte: Oh nothing. Just calling myself dumb for how I worded it.

Y/n: Ok. Well first, your not dumb, you made a mistake. Second, I guess we could try that, but if it gets too awkward I'm going back to my edge.

Lotte: O-ok.

[Lotte's Pov]

In all honesty I didn't call myself stupid, I  made a remark about not being against the idea of doing . . . that!

But why? We are just friends right?

Maybe I actually like him?

[No ones pov]

Y/n actually had an idea of what she said but you thought she said "We could sometime." But you trusted her enough to believe that "sometime" you heard was just "stupid"

Later that night you and Lotte decided to try acting as if yall are boyfriend and girlfriend. It worked, yall both got good sleep. But when yall woke, you and her were close cuddling. The first thing you said was "Good morning, gorgeous." without thinking.

You quickly apologized but Lotte responded with "Good morning, handsome." and gave an adorable smile. It was at that moment you knew for sure, you had a crush on Lotte.

To be continued. . .

Quick note that you will be with Lotte, Evie, Constanze, and Akko. I have decided to put Barbara Parker with Dezi in like a stealthy relationship untill eventually Hannah finds out. The main reason is that I think it would make a good plot point, and MC x MC is a good idea.

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