Chapter 8: Meet Bass

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[Y/n pov]

Days went by since the cuddling incident where I realized I had a crush on Lotte, but I didn't say anything as I didn't know when the right time would be. Well I didn't say anything to Lotte. . .

I was just sitting in BB, Dezi, and Jakobi's dorm, but Jakobi wasn't in there. I was chatting with them while scrolling through pics me and Lotte took when we would go out as friends but now I wished it was as more than friends.

That's when Brennan noticed I was paying more attention to the pics than to the conversation.

BB: Hey! Y/n!

Y/n: Hmm? What's up?

BB: Have you been paying attention?

Y/n: Of course I have.

BB: What was I saying?

Y/n: You were talking about Robopunk 2069 Edgesprinter.


Dezi: Yeah, he's talking about One Kick Man now. I'm reading on the new Combatframe and even I knew that.

Y/n: Sorry I'm just looking at pictures.

BB: Of your girlfriend.

Y/n: Shut up we're not dating. We're just friends.

Even though I would prefer to be more.

Dezi: Would you be against more?

I looked shocked, I was just thinking about it.

Y/n: What? No!

I had to lie or else they wouldn't let me live it down, or even worse they would tell her!

I heard Dezi mutter but I thought it was just about the article since he was looking at it.

Dezi: Are you sure?

I was truly shocked now, he knew for a fact I was lying, and I knew it. It was almost like he was reading my mind. It hit me like a brick wall. Mens Lectio!

Despite not being a very smart wizard, Dezi is amazing at certain spells, one of which being Mens Lectio, the mind reading spell.

Y/n: Are you reading my mind with magic?

I see his calm face go to a huge smile as he starts laughing hysterically.

Y/n: That's not funny!

BB: But it did prove you like her.

I let out a big sigh as I realize what just happened.

Y/n: Fine. Maybe I like her a little bit.

BB: I don't think a little is the right amount since you wanna bone her.

He makes a sexual gesture with his hands and hips.

Y/n: If you say a fucking word to her I will kill you.

Brennan stops and responds "Fine, I won't tell her."

Y/n: Good.

I got a notification on my phone from Evie asking where I was?

Y/n: Woops. I gotta go, band practice and shit y'know.

I ran out the room with BB, and Dezi waving me out.

[No ones pov] (Untill we get to practice)

BB: I'll be back.

Dezi: Where you going?

BB: He said not to tell Lotte, not the others.

Dezi: True.

BB: So I think I'll tell a few people. Hehe.

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