Chapter 10: IT'S NOT A DATE!

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[Y/n's POV]

Evie: Why do you ask?

Y/n: Just curious, I mean Konney hid it so great. *I said sarcastically.*

Evie: Well I've known you for a long time, so yeah you're like a brother to me. My mom even refers to you as her kid.

Y/n: True, I need to see her again.

Evie: We're free next weekend if you wanna come over?

Y/n: I'll see.

I turn to speak to the rest of the band and the small-ish crowd surrounding.

Y/n: *Yelling* Yo, guys we did good out here today, but it's a little late and we should get going home. So we're gonna head out, but thank yall for coming.

We get a little cheer as the crowd begins to disperse, and we go our separate ways.

After walking for a little while I stumble upon a library and sitting in one of the windows reading by herself is none other than Lotte. I want to surprise her so I go in to say "Hi" and see what she's up too.

After walking in instead of talking to her I started looking at books? I don't know what's drawing me to them since I only like Nightfall but something feels like it's drawing me towards them... or is something drawing me away from her?

*Am I embarrassed to talk to her?*

*NO! Surely not... Then why can't I do it.*

After a moment I feel a tap on my back and I turn to see Lotte standing there, apparently she had more balls than I did since I couldn't even talk to her.

Lotte: Hey, what are you doing here Y/n?

Y/n: Just looking for a new book.

Y/n's Thoughts: *LIAR!*

Lotte: Oh? I didn't know you read much besides Nightfall?

Y/n: Yeah, I dabble in a little bit of everything?

Y/n's Thoughts: *He only reads Nightfall.*

Lotte looks over the see that I am standing in what is effectively the smut section, and she turns red.

Lotte: Oh... S-So you like t-that stuff too?

I look over to see where I am realize I am too deep to turn back now.

Y/n: S-Some of them are good. *I say awkwardly*

Y/n's Thoughts: *Now you look like a pervert.*

Lotte: O-Ok I-I might check it out s-sometime.

Y/n's Thoughts: *Great you've tainted her innocence too, might as well do what B would suggest and bend her over that table.*

Somehow the thought of having smutty sex in a library full of people managed to remind me that we were supposed to go out and do something together after school... Thought it was probably the mention of B who made the dirty jokes that made me remember.

Y/n: Hey, are we still gonna do that thing after school?

Lotte looked shocked for a moment before speaking.

Lotte: What thing?

Y/n: We we're on call and we said we were gonna go do something.

Lotte: Yeah, I remember, but what thing? You never picked.

Y/n: True...

Y/n's Thoughts: *Dumbass.*

Y/n: Well... We could do something simple like a walk in the park? Then go eat somewhere nice.

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