Chapter 1

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(hey guys, h00daman here with an opener message, um...i never thought i would get this far, book 3... the previous books are doing well for themselves, book one recently hit 7.61K reads, and book 2 is nearly at 4.5K...i can't thank you enough for sticking through this to the end with me,i know i either say it not enough, or way too much...but truly, thank you all for reading my books, this means a, this will probably be the very last book of this series, so please; sit back, grab some popcorn, and get that box of tissues ready, and enjoy)

*Recap From book one to now* Equestria falls under peril to a mass murderer on the loose and only the mane six can defeat him, but they soon find that death gun is really gilda returning and enacting her revenge on everyone. no one truly knew how powerful she had gotten till even family members of the mane 6 turned on them, many were lost to Death's Cold Embrace, but rainbow and the remaining 4 friends planned to take gilda down.

Soon enough, gilda is captured by a strange man and is tortured until her own will is broken and shattered, leaving the shell of the girl she used to be.soon afterwards dash had people following her, and she too now had an army that would follow her to death, but she had a plan. she planned on saving gilda and letting her face the trials of justice...but this plan was all for not. rainbow and fero had finally met, and after escaping his clutches, rainbow and her newly formed army were drafted into the elite guard...technically they didn't exist anymore. they planned their attack on fero and swiftly made their move, only for it to have been in vain. many more of the mane six fell to Death's Frozen Veil, but fero was defeated at last.

Now what remains of the broken heroes, they must be ready to face the challenge that befalls upon equestria, or fall prey to Death's Icy Whisper. *end Recap*

*Rainbow Dash P.O.V.* It's been nearly a month since I was able to fly, a month since I felt the freedom of flight.

Far too long for someone like me to have stayed grounded, but something this saddening is nothing compared to the happiness that I feel today.

Fero died a few days ago and the day after I proposed to my now fiance flutters, but something tells me that even through all we have been through, I am not done....we are not done.

*3rd person p.o.v* after visiting pinkie for a few days now, rainbow sat on her couch just thinking to herself while flutters snuck behind her and started attacking her with a barrage of kisses.

As rainbow tried to get her back flutters jumped over the couch and pounced atop rainbow and pressed her lips against rainbows.

Once she pulled away even rainbow was out of breath.

"That was a surprise" rainbow said as she lay beneath shy panting.

Flutters giggles and lays her head on rainbows chest "did you like it?"

"Well Yeah, but that was different...even for you shy" rainbow chuckled as she run her hand through shy's hair.

"Well when you have someone you love, sometimes you act a little different around them" shy said as she looked up at rainbow and rainbow met her gaze.

They sat there just staring at each other till a knock came upon the door.

"Coming!" Rainbow said as shy hopped off her and she want to open the door.

once rainbow opened the door she was met with sight of Gilda wearing normal street clothes.

She wore a brown leather jacket and blue jeans....even though the weather report said sunshine and heat for the rest of the week.

"Hey dash, just stopped by to see how you and shy are doing" gilda paused to look at dash's hair then spoke up "but I can tell it's been eventful" she said with a slight chuckle.

Realizing her hair was a mess rainbow tried to flatten it out at least a little bit, but to no avail.

"It's fine rainbow, besides, vinyl and Octavia wanted to know if you wanted join us later...we are headed to the park to relax and have a picnic."

"That would be nice, I'll talk to shy but I'm sure she'd like to go anyways" rainbow said as she leaned on the doorway.

"Well, I'd better be on my way, celestia sent a message and she said we are free to resume our normal lives, so I've got a job interview in like 45 minutes so I'll be at the park later" gilda said as she began to walk off toward her car.

"Bye gilda! " rainbow said as she walk back inside and closed the door to be met with shy holding a sandwich.

"I made us some early lunch, here is your sandwich" shy said with a cheery smile as rainbow took the plate and followed shy to the kitchen to eat.

As they got finished there come a knock on the door, only heavier and louder than a normal knock THUMP, THUMP, THUMP, THUMP.

Hesitating, rainbow has shy head upstairs and wait in their room and the windows in the lower level are broken and in fall something rainbow recognized all too well...tear gas.

Without hesitation rainbow runs to the closet and grabs hers and shy's masks as she slips hers on turning on the air filter and all the other functions.

She dashes up the stairs to their room and she kicks it open "Flutters!" Rainbow shouts as shy comes out of their closet in their room and sees rainbow in her mask and puts hers on.

As they run down the stairs they are met with bullets flying into the kitchen and they turn to the basement and close the doors and lock the seven locks.

As they sit there hearing the house being shot up it suddenly became quite warm in the basement.

Rainbow looks towards the service tunnel out of their house and it starts turning orange, bright orange "FIRE!" rainbow yells as she holds shy close and wraps them both in her cloak.

Tick tock tick tock...they wait out the barrage till they hear nothing, no more banging, no more bullets, and no more fire.

once silent rainbow undoes the cloak and her mask along with shy to see shy in tears as she holds her close "it's ok shy, we're safe."

They sit in silence as they hear the sound of shoes approaching the basement door and rainbow grabs the nearest object to use as a club.

As the door opens she runs and swings at the figure and hears a familiar voice groaning in pain "ow dammit, I Cannot get a break from the wrench can I?!" Vinyl screamed as she fell over in pain.

Rainbow quickly helped her up and shy ran out of the basement to help hold vinyl on her feet "now i see where shy learned to swing wrenches" vinyl chuckles as she holds her side and they walk out of the smoldering remains of their house.

As they set vinyl on the grass rainbow and shy stood there looking at what used to be their house.

Shy gets close to rainbow and cries into her shoulder as rainbow wraps her arms around shy...she knew it wasn't over...not in the least.


I have the strangest feeling that this book will be both darker and a lot more sadder than the books that precede this one.

See you guys next chapter, hope you liked the opening chapter!

Muffins & Hugs


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