Chapter 21 - Wait, What?

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*Rainbow Dash's P.O.V* "guess i just feels like a dream come true, having this life" although i knew it couldn't be real, i kept thinking the same thing over and over again 'Was it all just a dream?, or was it Death's Cold Embrace making me fear his Frozen Veil of Icy Whispers?'

my mind wandered while i ate, almost wanting to see if what shy said was true, was it all the dream? the pain was so real, the emotions truly made me feel alive, my wounds seemed to leave an ache to my body, even if they were never real, they felt as if they were.

we finished breakfast and shy had walked upstairs to get clean and get dressed while i sat downstairs pacing the floor when a rough knock came upon the door.

i walked over and opened it and no one was there, but i looked down to see a letter with what looked like a seal of the crystal empire but it was in black wax.

knowing shy would take a while i shut the door and opened it, unfolded the letter, and read it aloud to myself.

"Rainbow dash, I'm afraid we have some unfinished business to attend to, you had better watch your back for not even the shadows can protect you or the ones you love, Death's Final bell is Tolling, and he is expecting you to answer, you may have slowed the plans with Celestia, but i assure you, we will live on. -Lord Of The Crystal Empire."

my face went pale, all the color fled my body as i dropped the note, trembling, i picked the envelope up and the seal was black wax inscribed with the symbol of the dark crystal.

i picked up the letter as well and threw them away in the trash, this can't be happening, this couldn't be happening, had it all been a dream?, or is it Death's Final Tolling?

*To Be Continued...*

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