Chapter 16 - Shocking News

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*3rd Person P.O.V.* A royal guard ran through the halls of the castle, his armor clanking with every step he took, until he came upon the throne room doors.

he slowed down and walked in with presence and stature, the other guards in the room saluted him as he walked by "At ease" he said as he walked up to the thrones of the royal sisters.

he bowed down and removed his helmet "Princess's, we have received word that your new elite guard has successfully eliminated Alucard, and Seras, they have said that they will be sending them in body bags to the castle immediately" as he said that 4 guards came in carrying massive bags that seemed to be very heavy as they carried the bodies of seras and alucard.

"couldn't have timed it better myself" he bowed again and put his helmet back on "i shall take my leave your graces" with that every guard left the room along with the captain, leaving celestia and luna with the bodies in their bags.

luna sat there in amazement, yet celestia made no gesture "Sister, are you not amazed?!" luna asked in shock to her sisters reaction to the bodies now laying in front of them.

"i am not reacting because i knew they would complete their task dear sister of mine" she said seeming to be of no emotion.

"is something wrong sister?" luna asked, yet celestia shook her head "no, i'm fine sister, could you leave me a moment?" she asked.

luna was a little shocked, but did as her sister bid "of course, i'll leave you to your thoughts" she exited the throne room and walked about the castle as celestia sat in her throne and thought to herself.

luna came back a few moments later and noticed her sister still staring at the bodies "sister, you must let this go, it is finally over for them, they no longer pose a threat to this land.

although luna had said that, and hoped it would clear her sisters thoughts, all that one of them had remembered now was the night alucard and seras spoke to one of them and they thought 'i had told you alucard, either victorious, or in a body bag.'

*Rainbow Dash's P.O.V.* Things had been quiet for the group lately, my old friend had made himself comfy in his new lab, the group slowly began to trust that new pinkamena doll thing, even if she was probably the creepiest thing ever.

all of our friends are alive and here, almost like a dream come true, but its not a time for recollection, it's a time for celebrations and rejoicing, alucard and seras were dead, their organization with fero had been broken ever since he had died, all it took was their death's to finish it all off....yet, something had felt very very suspicious.

i've had a lot of time for thinking, and i've thought up many things, one thought being that alucard was never in charge, he was a pawn, a puppet for someone to do their dirty work for them, but that couldn't be true.

well, today was like any other day since alucards death, quiet and with plenty of time to think, however, while my thoughts were full, they were interrupted by my office door being forced open and being tackled in a very tight embrace.

"Can't......Breathe...." i said unsure of who was squeezing me until they had released me, it was Aj, she has been trying her hardest to catch up with what's been happening still, and making amends for not being here when we could've used her, but its all the same to me.

"hi Aj, what brings you by my office?" i said as we stood up and her eyes met mine when she stood up as well, i always admired the emerald shine of her eyes, the way they glow and sparkle in the light.

"well, ah heard y'all were in here being all alone and such so i came to bother ya" she said with a grin that made me smile in return.

"alright, i was just thinking to myself, i was about to head to the lab and ask tom some questions, wanna tag along?" i asked and she tipped her hat with a smirk.

"sure, ah got nothin better to do right now anyways" we left my office and walked over to the lab, this warehouse has been so much for us, and we have kept expanding its size so we could make it a proper hideout, strangely enough, you wouldn't suspect it to be a hideout unless you walked in and saw how massive it was.

we walked into tom's lab and he greeted us with a smile "ah, good evening ladies, you're just in time to see me complete another serum formula, it should enhance the persons senses so that they can detect noises nearly a thousand feet away" he smirked and we noticed twilight walking about the lab in the back, she seemed to be taking a list of things that were there.

"i see you have a lab partner now tom, what happened to working alone?" i smirked and he spoke up while working "she's a good assistant, she keeps me organized and keeps this place from looking like my old house.

"well, i wanted to ask some stuff about that strength serum i took, it had an adverse side effect that seems to be permanent" i said and he ran over to me, dropping the vial of mixture he was holding, but it stopped mid air as twilight had caught it "try not to drop important mixtures tom" with that she set it in a tube rack and next thing i knew tom was examining me closely.

"what happened, what did it do, how did you change, where should i look, should i take blood samples, are you a zombie, does it seem contagious?" he wouldn't stop asking me till i broke his words "Tom, chill!"

"right" he said "i should just let you explain" he leaned against a counter and i started explaining what happened with my wings, and how after i took the serum it brought my powers of flight back, he stood there awestruck, mouth agape and all.

"it rewired your adrenaline and re-granted you the powers to fly?" he said in a questionable way.

"basically, i was a flightless person till i took the serum" i smiled " and to be honest i'm glad it fixed me, i'm glad you had figured how to make it work out in the end, if you hadn't completed the serum i'd be dead right now" i hugged him and pulled away with a grin "thanks to you, i can marry the girl i love."

it was a good day, he had finally explained what the serum contained and such, and helped me to understand that even though it was a promising mixture, i should still wait for him to field test the serums before they're ready for team use.

night had befallen the day, and i couldn't wait to get some sleep, i had just gotten into bed when fluttershy walks in and laid down next to me, she felt cold to the touch, and her whole body was tensed up.

i embraced her and she relaxed a little and started to warm, then it had hit me, she had been on recon with the team out north to hunt down sombra near the crystal empire, they must've finished for her to be back so soon, i was both glad and yet a tad bit worried, because even though she slowly warmed, she was still shivering in my arms,hopefully by morning she could tell me how it went.


well guys, i feel i write these chapters quite long, yet not long enough, cause if you are here, then i ain't working hard enough Cx

but in all seriousness, i do enjoy writing, and you're probably wondering why i haven't updated any other books, well, i'm gonna finish this one out before i focus on my other works, so be ready for when this ends, could be next chapter, could be in like 4, just be ready for the end is what i'm basically saying

Muffins & Hugs


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