Chapter 10 - Old Acquaintances

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*Rainbow Dash P.O.V.* As we drove, the sunlight occasionally got blocked by the trees we passed by, it felt like a strobe light of heat that came and went in a constant pattern.

"stop here shy" i said as we stopped in front of a really worn down house with white faded paint and a half destroyed picket fence.

"why have we stopped here dashie?, this building looks like it hasn't been lived in for years" shy asked.

"it has, and i know he is home" i opened the car door and stepped out into the daylight and slowly approached the fence of the remains of the fence.

i run my fingers over the chipped paint and step into the yard to hear a gunshot and i notice a hole in the dead grass by my foot.

"leave this home, or be shot where you stand!" a voice yelled from inside the house.

i spoke up loud enough for him to hear me "put down the gun tom, it's only me."

it was silent till i could hear the sounds of locks and bolts being removed from the door as it slowly creaked open.

tom walked into the light of day while covering his eyes when he walked out, he wore tattered black pants and a grey shirt and a torn lab coat.

his hair was tattered and messy, I'd assume he hadn't showered in a while, and he hadn't slept in days.

"what are you doing here dash?, i thought we were all not supposed to keep contact after we were reprimanded for the factory" he spoke softly but with a hint of stern worry in his voice.

"tom, you know that protocol only lasted till everyone was cured of their insanity and the history and data of the factory was deleted and wiped from existence, we're allowed to keep contact with each other" i said feeling a slight dryness in my throat.

after an awkward moment of silence i hear shy speak up from behind me "aren't you going to introduce me to your friend dashie?"

i jump a little and so does tom as he brings his gun up and shy hides behind me, so i quickly put my good arm up.

"tom, this is my fiance fluttershy" he slowly drops his weapon and chuckles lightly.

"i thought you said you weren't the marrying type dash, in fact you said you were just gonna go wonderbolt and stay single." tom said still moderately chuckling.

"i had, but once i had met flutterhsy, well, everything changed, i fell in love and i knew i had to have her at my side" i said as shy took my hand in hers.

"but as much as id love to catch up, I'm not here for small talk, I'm here for that serum we were working on" i said.

he moderately sneered at me "you know I'm still studying its effects dash, I'm still unsure how its compounds would react to our blood."

"then I'll be the test subject if i have to, just give me the serum and study my vitals occasionally" i said feeling a little annoyed.

"I'm not sure dash, with unknown side effects who knows what will happen if you inject yourself!" tom said as shy interrupted him before he could speak again.

"um, whats this serum you two are talking about?, like what will it do?" she asked innocently.

i spoke up since i had done quite a bit of the recipe and research till i passed it off to tom "if it works, its a serum that will make the person stronger,faster, and more perceptive" i said with a smile.

"so its like a super serum in a sense?" shy asked.

"in a sense, yes its a super serum that makes the person better than they were before they took the mix" tom said.

"however dash, there is one problem with the mix, i only have enough for one injection, and I've taken a time on how long the effects last, and it only lasts five minutes, so i would only use it in an emergency situation, but you may do with it as you please" he said as he pulled the needle from his coat pocket and handed it to me.

"thanks tom, this will really help with whats been happening lately." i pause then remember something "hey, we have a base you could stay at, it has an empty lab you can use to continue and maybe advance your studies" i mentioned his studies so he'd be interested in coming at least, maybe he could help heal any wounds we attain in battle.

"well, it might prove useful if it has top notch equipment, then i could do much more than what i can do now" tom said as he tapped his chin lightly.

after a moment of sitting and waiting, tom finally spoke up "sure, i'll come to the lab, besides, this lab is falling apart faster than i can keep it repaired."

we helped tom get what he needed into the car then we drove to the base and helped him get setup and situated with his new work space.

"there you are, a new lab to test and experiment in, you should get to know the people around you, they're very trust worthy and are open to making new friends" i said as we left him to do whatever he planned to do.

i just hope he doesn't blow up the lab and part of the base...


i did it!, i finally got my story writing skill back, expect 2 more chapters later today, i have a lot of work to do!

Muffins & Hugs


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