Chapter 3 - Remembrance

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*Rainbow Dash's P.O.V.* as we sit there in the charred ashes of our once beautiful home shy and i hear a vehicle approaching.

I knew that engine roar all too well, it was gilda's car, but when she arrived she had also brought octavia and singsia since they were gonna have that picnic, they must have been near gilda when she got the message.

as octavia and singsia ran to vinyl whom we sat near the burnt tree in our front yard gilda approached us in the flat blackened remains of what was once our living room.

"hey dash, shy, me and the other 2 got here as quick as we could, i can't believe that someone is still after us" gilda said as she sat next to me and shy.

"we should've been more prepared, we knew that we weren't done and we let our guard down." i said with a sneer.

"dash, you can't blame yourself, we thought we were done, there wasn't anything even you could've done" gilda said as she placed her hand on my shoulder, but no matter what she had said, i still felt like this whole thing was my fault.

"look, you two can stay at my place for the time being till we can get this place re-built..." she paused a moment as if a thought had interrupted her current thought "that work for you two?"

"sure gilda, thank you" shy said as gilda walked over to vinyl and octavia, so i took this time to speak with shy.

but before i could get a word out i choked up and started sobbing as she pulled me close "it's ok dashie, it isn't your fault" she said as she stroked my head.

"but it is shy, it is my fault" i sobbed into her shoulder as she grabbed my shoulders and tilted my head up to hers.

"dashie. stop this. it is NOT your fault, if it was i would tell you, but it is NOT your fault" she was slowly raising her voice, but not enough to where vinyl, octavia, or gilda could hear us.

i sniffed "b-but-" she cut me off with a kiss and she held me there, almost as if she were taking in my emotion and changing it from sorrow and pity to love and compassion.

she pulled away and i hugged her close to me, she is my everything, she is my whole world, without her my life would be pointless.

we sat there for a few more minutes then decided to join the others by the tree...well what was left of it.

"done hitting me with heavy objects?" vinyl said as we all let out a chuckle.

"yeah, sorry about that, i was just on edge at the moment" i said and suddenly a pink flash passes us all by and we look between each other like 'what the fuck was that?'

suddenly pinkie is in front of us and she doesn't even seem out of breath, "ohmygoshyouguyswhathappened?,igotthemessagethatsomethingbadhappenedbutialmostdidn'tbelieveit,butnowicanseethatitdidhappen!"

before she said another word i quickly covered her mouth "pinkie, we love you, but shut up" we chuckled as pinkie stood there and grumbled to herself.

"look, someone attacked us and we need to know who and why, i have a feeling as to who, i just don't understand why." i said as everyone except pinkie stood there dumb founded.

"i can talk with people and see if i can't find anything out" pinkie said while tapping her chin.

"and i can have my followers try and get word of any recent attack plans that were made" gilda said with a grin.

"that works, it should help us to finding who burnt my house down to a crisp." i said with a slight snarl to my voice.

i pulled octavia aside with fluttershy while the others talked and i brought up something that had no connection to the current situation at all.

"hey octy, you know where i can find a good tux and a nice wedding dress?" i asked with a blush finding its way to my cheeks.

"oh my, i believe i do know a place or two if it will help you two in any way" octavia said as she pulled out her phone to pull up the addresses.

"thanks, rarity would've made my tux and shy's dress, but she isn't here to do that for us." i said as a tear slid down my cheek.

"i understand rainbow, we all miss her and twilight" octavia said as she put a hand on my shoulder.

"hell, she promised me that she would even crawl out of her own grave just to make our wedding attire" i said with a slight chuckle as we heard the familiar sound of high heels approaching our way.

suddenly an all too familiar voice spoke up behind us "And i plan to keep that promise Rainbow."




All in good time readers, all in good time.

Muffins & Hugs


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