Chapter 2-8: Change

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  I woke up Sunday morning, and I went on my run and workout with Kirishima, we stopped and got coffee and breakfast. He told me all about his date with Bri and I was happy he was happy. I mean he was so ecstatic. "You just take good care of her, or I will kick your ass." I said.
  "Noted." Kirishima said, and I chuckled.
  "Ahh! I am so happy for you guys!" I exclaimed, hugging him and then he laughed.
  "What about you and Todoroki, I're a couple without actually being a couple." Kirishima said.
  "Not this again. Yes I love Shoto, yes I would love to be his girlfriend, but he's not...he's not into me like that, and? He doesn't want another relationship right now." I said, kinda bummed, but hiding it well.
  "Why!?" Kirishima asked.
  "Good freakin' grief Kiri, you know why. Xia used him for 5-years and completely fucked him up! The things she did to him!? The things I saw her do!? The girl was a freakin' vampire, he's keeping his guard up, and I totally understand that better than anyone. I have armor around my heart, it keeps bad things from hurting me." I said.
Kiri sighed, and shook his head. "You're not Xia." He said.
"You're right, I'm not. He just needs time Kiri, and I'm not gonna force him. That's wrong." I said.
"Ugh! Sometimes I wish you'd just stop being so stubborn." Kirishima said.
"Goodbye Kiri, have fun." I said, chuckling and hugging him as I left.
I got to the Todoroki residence where I showered and changed. I was outside, playing with Buddy, my Australian Shepherd, after doing some yoga and meditation in the Butterfly Garden. "Good boy Buddy." I exclaimed, petting him and loving on him until he started running towards the house.
I sighed, smiling a bit. "Shoto's home." I muttered, grabbing the squeaky, squeezy dog toy that was actually shaped like All Might, and walking towards the house.
Shoto kneeled down. "Hey Buddy!" He exclaimed, petting him.
"He really loves it when you come home after your run and workout with Sero." I said.
"Yeah, I see that. Now, I need a shower." He said, and he went inside.
I smiled and squeaked the toy. Buddy turned and I tossed it for him. Buddy caught it and I smiled as he trotted back to me and dropped the toy. I squeaked it again, and tossed it again. I smiled, and then, after an hour, I took Buddy inside and fed him his breakfast.
I grabbed his harness and his leash and after he ate, I dressed him in his harness. I attached the leash and pulled my hair back into a high messy pony tail. I put on my sunglasses and slipped on my shoes.
"Hey." Shoto said.
"Oh, hey." I said.
"Taking Buddy for his walk?" Shoto asked.
"Yeah." I said, and Buddy barked.
"Care if I tag along today?" Shoto asked.
"Uh...sure." I said, and we started walking.
"Sero told me about his date with Daeva." Shoto said.
"Oh yeah, well, how'd it go?" I asked.
"He said it went great, he thinks. He was happy." Shoto said.
"Good, Kirishima's definitely went well. He told me all about it. And Alex spared no details about her and Bakugo's date." I said, showing him the messages.
"Oh my Kami." Shoto exclaimed.
I nodded, and I looked down. Shoto frowned. "What's wrong?" He asked.
"It's just...everything and everyone seems to be fast and it's, I don't know! It''s too much for me to keep up with. Change is good, I know that, but this is all fast." I said, gripping and rubbing my forearm.
"Hey, slow down. You're ok, we're ok. Yes, I'll admit our friends are definitely moving fast and changing. But you're fine, I'm fine. We're ok." Shoto said, gripping my shoulders and rubbing them.
I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, nodding. "Yeah." I said, letting Buddy off the leash when we got to the hiking trail.
"That's not the only thing bothering you, is it?" Shoto asked.
"No! It's not." I said.
"What is it?" Shoto asked.
"I know I should be happy that they're happy and that they're in love...but I'm just, maybe I'm just a bit...envious. Cause I know, no matter how hard I try, I will never have something as good as that. I mean, is it wrong to want a relationship, like seriously?" I asked.
"There's nothing wrong with wanting a relationship and being happy in a relationship. Some way or another, we all need love and affection." Shoto said.
"Ugh...yeah. Yeah, I know you're right, phew. Ok. Crisis averted. Thank you Shoto." I said, hugging him and kissing his cheek as I ran to catch up to Buddy.
We headed home and I bathed Buddy and he was out for the rest of the day in his bed, a.k.a my bed. I smiled, petting him as he curled against my side asleep. It was cloudy out, and I was reading my book. Soon, the rain started to lightly fall, and I drank hot cocoa, snacking on salted almonds. This was my kinda weather. Fall. Cool. Breezy. Rainy. I loved autumn, it's my favorite season. Plus? My room was already decorated for Halloween.
My door was knocked on. "Come in." I said, and the door slid open.
"Do something?" Shoto asked.
"Like what?" I asked.
"Uh...roller skating?" He asked, shrugging.
"Sure, sounds fun." I said, closing my book after marking my spot.
"Great, I'll wait in the living room." He said.
"Thanks." I said, I had to change because I was literally in my pajamas ever since my shower this morning after my run and workout.
I put on these:

                         (Source: Pinterest)  I tied my hair in a messy bun and adjusted my prescription glasses

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(Source: Pinterest)
I tied my hair in a messy bun and adjusted my prescription glasses. I walked out to the living room and Shoto just stared.
I pushed up his jaw. "You...are gaping." I said, and he shook his head.
"You look really pretty." Shoto said.
"Therefore I have value?" I asked.
"What!? No, no, no! That's not what I meant, I meant—" he began, and I chuckled.
"Relax, I'm just messing with you. You look nice too." I said, and he chuckled.
"Right." He said.
"So are we gonna go?" I asked, and he shook his head.
"Yeah!" He exclaimed, and he wore a black turtle neck sweater, navy blue jeans, white socks, and black dress boots with a red plaid button down shirt pulled over him, but unbuttoned. He kept on his prescription glasses and we got into his car.
He drove us the the roller skating arena and it was damn near empty. Just a few people here and there. We got our skates and laced up and started skating. I was cheering as I skated around. "Oh man! It's been so long!" I exclaimed, and I started doing fun tricks and turns, and stops.
Shoto was just doing his thing. "You born to skate or something?" He asked.
I laughed, matching his pace and skating beside him. "One of the things we learned on Ares Isle, in case we had to assassinate someone on roller skates or ice skates." I said.
"I knew that, but good grief! Forget I even asked, wow. They really made you learn everything." Shoto said.
"Eh, that's Seraph for you." I said, speeding up and passing him as I skated fast and did the little tricks and turns.
  The next time I passed him, he seemed agitated.
"Jade, can you stop lapping me for two seconds?" He asked, and I stopped, settling into his pace.
  "Why?" I asked, confused.
  "I came to skate with you, not watch you kick my ass." Shoto said.
  I took his hand and looked at him. "Sorry." I said.
  "It's ok, I'm just really glad you're smiling." Shoto said.
  "I always smile when I'm around you." I said.
  He chuckled, and "Ashes of Eden" by Breaking Benjamin played. "You ever danced on skates?" He asked.
  "" I said.
  "It's just like slow dancing, you already know how to skate, so now just let me lead." Shoto said.
  I chuckled and we skated around, slow dancing to the song. Greek Gods I loved this song, it was one of my favorite songs to slow dance to.
  We stayed at the rink until it closed, and then he surprised me and took us to a restaurant on the beach called Snoopy's and we ate dinner there.
  After that, we went home and showered, changing for bed. We watched a movie with Buddy, and I curled into Shoto. I ended up falling asleep by the end of the movie.

  I smiled and lifted her, and Buddy, into my arms. I walked her to her room, sliding the door open and I sighed. "I love you Jade." I whispered, kissing her forehead and I went to my bedroom to go to sleep. I had to talk to my dad, but I was gonna tell her how I felt and ask her on a date. Maybe hopefully kiss her for real! On the lips!

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