Chapter 2-18: A Second Chance!

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  Bakugo, Todoroki, Kirishima, and Sero were all bandaged up and they did house chores not really saying a word to one another. They weren't in their school uniforms either. I walked to Bri, Alex, and Daeva. "What happened?" I asked.
  "Apparently, Aizawa caught the four of them fighting outside after curfew. So, he put them on house arrest and chore duty for the next two weeks." Alex explained.
  "A fight?" I thought, looking at the four of them. "Oh, I see." I said, and we went to the classroom.
  It felt strange being back at school after what happened at camp and afterwards. "Jade, can I see you after school today?" Aizawa asked.
  "Sure." I said, and we went about our day.
  It was after school and I met with Aizawa in his office. "You wanted to see me?" I asked.
  "Yes, it's about you and Todoroki's provisional hero licenses." Aizawa said.
  "Oh, we both just decided we'd take it next year." I said.
  "The commission is offering a specific test just for the two of you. If you can both pass, you'll get your licenses." Aizawa said.
  "What!? When!?" I asked.
  "Two weeks from now." Aizawa said.
  "I'll let him know and then I'll tell you." I said.
  "Sounds good." Aizawa said.
  "Thank you." I said, bowing to him and leaving.
  He sipped his tea as I left. It was night and Todoroki came to my room. We laid in my bed, cuddled together. "So, Aizawa is giving us another chance. Apparently, the commission is offering a very specific test for you and I and if we pass, we get our provisional hero licenses." I said.
  "Seriously!?" He asked, looking up at me.
  "Mmm-hmm." I said, nodding.
  "Oh sweet!! When is it?" Todoroki asked.
  "Two weeks from now, so you'll be off house arrest." I said.
  "Oh hell yeah!" Todoroki exclaimed.
  I sighed, brushing my fingers through his red and white hair. "So...why are all four of you on house arrest?" I asked.
  Todoroki sighed. "Bakugo and I got into a pretty gnarly fight last night. Sero and Kirishima stopped us, but they didn't tell a they got punished too.'s probably a good thing they didn't take the time to get a teacher." Todoroki said.
  "Why do you say that?" I asked.
  "If it had gone on for even just a nanosecond longer? Bakugo and I very well could have severely hurt or worse killed one another." Todoroki said.
  "What were you fighting about?" I asked.
  Todoroki took a deep breath and sighed. "We both had pent-up anger to work through. I needed that fight, and so did Bakugo. That's why Sero and Kirishima let it go on longer than they should of...because the two of us had some shit to work through and that's how we both deal with things. Beating the absolute crap out of something. This time? It just happened to be my best friend." Todoroki said.
I took a deep breath. "That tends to be the case." I said.
"How was being back at school?" Shoto asked, rubbing my back as I laid on his chest.
"It was weird. I thought I was ready but..." I began.
He looked over me. "They were tying to get you to talk about what happened, weren't they?" Shoto asked.
I buried my head into his chest. "Ugh, yes. I'm just...I'm not ready." I said, and he held me against him.
"I hear you. They were asking me today too." Shoto said.
I sighed and just held my arms around him. "Can we just stay like this? Forever? Never moving." I said.
Shoto chuckled. "What about food and water?" Shoto asked.
"Kitchenette." I said, gesturing to the area.
"Oh, I see. Working out? Running?" Shoto asked.
"Treadmill, bike, weights, yoga mat, punching bag, weight belts, pull up bar...all here." I said.
Shoto chuckled. "I think being cooped up in here would be bad for your mental health, and your vitamin D and C." Shoto said.
I chuckled, kissing his lips. "I'm just so tired of everyone." I said.
"I hear you, babe. I hear you." Shoto said, kissing the top of my lips. "But to be fair? Staying in here with you, forever? That doesn't sound too bad." Shoto said.
"No, no it doesn't." I said, and I curled deeply into him.
Morning came, and I found it really hard to find the motivation to get up. I showered, and that took way too much effort and was a long-ass shower. I put on my clothes and kissed Shoto goodbye as I headed to school.
I was walking through the halls and people were staring, and whispering. I curled into myself, clutching my books. "Hey Red, what's it feel like to be knocked off your podium!" Monoma shouted.
"I'd like to see you try and fend off 20 villains all by your lonesome with your Copy Quirk, Monoma." I said.
He turned red with embarrassment and ran off. "That's what I thought, asshole." I said, and I looked at the crowd around us. "Well! Anyone else got something smart they want to say to me!?" I asked, and silence. "No!? I didn't think so." I said, going into Class 1-A and sitting in my chair.
"Hey." Daeva said.
"Hey." I said.
"How have you been?" Daeva asked.
I chuckled a bit. "I've been better, been worse. I'm just trying to move on." I said.
"You one would blame you if you took time to relax." Daeva said.
  "If I take time...I'll just think about what they did to Shoto? I'd literally be even more in pain. I need to get out, interact with people. It's's hard." I said.
  "I can't imagine." Daeva said.
  "I have an idea." Alex said.
  "Hmm?" I asked, looking at her.
  "How about the four of us girls get permission to go to the amusement park? We all love it, it'd be a good way to hang out and have fun." Alex said.
  "You know what? That's...actually not a bad idea." I said.
  "Ooh girls trip!!!" Bri exclaimed, and we all four hugged.

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